Profile For Yeison G.

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Posted:  3 years, 9 months ago

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Tyson Foods Orientation

Hey Brian my name is Yeison I got orientation for Tyson as well I was wanting to ask I got a speeding ticket last year but Tyson still gave me orientation is getting a orientation mean you got the job and are giving me a chance just got out of school but I got the ticket before I joined trucking I loved it but speeding ticket made me be denied at jobs every where I go I wonder if Tyson is going to send me back when orientation starts

I arrived at around 11:30 AM at the designated motel in Springdale, Arkansas. Tyson will pay for a Greyhound ticket or reimburse you the cost of the ticket if you make other arrangements. They allow, but discourage you, from bringing your personal vehicle.

The motel is single occupancy, so that is nice. It is not fancy. It is a motel. There is a Walmart across the street and an Aldi next door.

Tyson pays for breakfast and lunch. You have to fend for yourself for dinner. The breakfast is at a restaurant that adjoins the motel. It opens at 6AM. The bus that carries you to orientation leaves promptly at 6:45AM.

Orientation runs from 7AM-5PM, and is 4 days long. You are given 400 dollars at the end of orientation.

You are told to bring clothes for 7 days, along with a list of other normal stuff. They advise to bring a canceled check if you want direct deposit. They also require work boots (steel toe not required). They advise to bring tennis shoes for off duty time. I am assuming I need to wear boots tomorrow so that's what I'm doing.

I will continue to update info as it becomes available. It starts tomorrow. I hope it goes well!

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