Profile For Zachery M.

Zachery M.'s Info

  • Location:
    Dilliner, PA

  • Driving Status:
    Rookie Solo Driver

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  • Joined Us:
    4 years, 5 months ago

Zachery M.'s Bio

7 years oilfield Married with 2 beautiful daughters.

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Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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How to contact a member

Hey Anne, I definitely appreciate your presence on TT. You are infinitely encouraging. I "lurk" more than post and I see your post often. I stopped posting on the training forum because I felt like an imposter. (ADHD problem) Also Solo has a much more concise description of the training program. Zach.

Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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Trucker Humor: Trucking Company Name Acronyms

So What It's a Free Truck

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Leaving the oilfield for flatbedding

Day 4: TMC Orientation

Today we took HOS test, went over benefits, per diem, tuition reimbursement, and VA assistance benefits. Lunch at noon followed by 3 hours of load seceurment diagrams, explanations, and terminology.

I understand why TMC is so strict about the seceurment. DOT regs are a bare minimum and nobody, especially professional drivers should do the bare minimum. Tomorrow we start 3 days of hands on practice with a skilled instructor.

Hi Anne, the personality test was Professional DynaMetric Programs or PDP. It was certainly a great read. And so far as I can tell the results are mostly true to my personality and personal experience. But I will treat it like a horoscope, fun to read and very general. Thank you for your continued interest and support!

Goodnight everyone, and keep the dirty side down. Zach

Posted:  4 years, 4 months ago

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Leaving the oilfield for flatbedding

Day 3: continued TMC Orientation

0700 class again. We discussed HOS, quite thoroughly. Took a personality test to help find a good match with dispatchers. Followed by more HOS regulations and examples. Trainer tried to explain the complexity of split 10 hour. (I most likely will never see a benefit.) Tutorial on the camera system (forward and driver). Some videos at the drivers expense.

I am not a fan of public shaming. This would have been done better by blurring the driver's face. This day was completed with a trip to Wal-Mart.

Stay safe everybody, and I will update tomorrow. Zach

Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Leaving the oilfield for flatbedding

Day 2: Continued TMC Orientation

It's not going to be a surprise, but more videos, paperwork, and test. That was from 0700 until 1800. Then we spent an hour in a simulator (they are understanding of my poor double clutching skills). This was mostly to see what our shifting was like. Lastly today we did straight line backs. Doing the basics, at 2000 we left the training facility.

I find I keep talking about my previous experience, and yelling in my head to shut up. I'm sure it's neither needed nor appreciated as it was unsolicited. I suppose I will always be socially awkward. 😅

I hope you guys are all doing well, and thank you again Anne for your feedback.

Well good night everyone, keep the dirty side down. Zach

Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Leaving the oilfield for flatbedding

Day 1: Orientation

We had a few people sent home. Make sure you have any paperwork available for your medications. One guy had problems climbing on to the trailer and was sent home. Another guy struggled to lift the tarps and was sent home. And the final guy to be sent home today had an oversized neck? He has to have a sleep apnea test.

We did some general knowledge test, DOT regs, basic math, and general cmv knowledge. Watched videos, and testing with a physical therapist.

Not a bad day for me, but it was certainly bad for others. They will be sent home according to how they were transported here. I hope they find there place. Thank you for your feedback Anne. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. Keep the dirty side down. Zach

Posted:  4 years, 5 months ago

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Leaving the oilfield for flatbedding

Hey guys, I'm Zach. I've been lurking on this forum for quite some time. 8 years ago I drove reefer, for FFE. I suppose I wasn't as good as I thought.

I went to the Bakken Oilfield for a few years after I left them. Obviously the companies would need a CDL driver. (Just know that driving is what you do before and after you work.) Man, I loved the physical nature of the work! The company transferred me to Wyoming and I worked the Mesa for a while. Then earlier this year was transferred to Pennsylvania. I'm sure you parents out there understand why I need to find something else to support my family.

Monday I will start orientation with TMC in Des Moines. No more dragging my family across the country. No more calls in the middle of the night. No more chaining up in a blizzard and driving through the mountains because the interstate is closed.

I see my ship coming in, and it's on 18 wheels!

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