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Posted: 1 year, 6 months ago
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I was terminated from my first ever trucking job after 6 months last September for, what I was told at the time was, equipment damage (fueling on the yard, I left the passenger side fuel nozzle in the tank and pulled away). There was no fuel spill and the damage was easily fixed with a clamp. I was grateful to get another job a couple months later with, not surprisingly, Western Express. After leaving them after 5 months following a litany of abuses that I can delineate if asked (they classified me okay for rehire), I find myself having difficulty getting another job because I don't have 6 months safe driving after a "safety termination" (from my first job). I'm confused as to how the nozzle thing was a safety issue since no one was ever unsafe. Just looking for insight and advice going forward. Thanks in advance.
Posted: 2 years, 9 months ago
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I Know Many Aren't Able To...But, I'm Made For OTR!
I'm at a place in my life, empty nest, etc., where I can finally pursue my boyhood dream of OTR trucking. Just got my CDL A...any advice?
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Looking for CDL Training Companies, No Work History a Problem?
I'm new here and not sure if I should reply to this thread or start a new one. First, I'd like to sincerely thank you seasoned trucking veterans for your hard truths.
I have a similar problem. One thing I need clarification on is "having a work history." I have an over 30-year continuous work history, but very little paid in the last 4 years due to picking up a couple of misdemeanors in 2016. Now, I can't even get an interview. So I enrolled in and completed two programs that will eventually pay off (hopefully as a "side-hustle" now), but I need seed money. I've never been more fully dedicated and "employed" in my life than the last 4 years... just not for a paycheck (my wife is a Respiratory Therapist and we have always gotten by). But, I CAN'T not work!
Being a trucker (like many lads) has been a dream of mine since I was a boy. I didn't get into it previously due to raising a family and wanting to help children in public service.
I am a first-time offender and not a felon, but I made a mistake that has become a death sentence vocationally. I'm really hoping one of the OTR schools will consider 30 years of work history more emblematic of my character than one night in my life for which I am truly ashamed.
Any help/advice is humbly and sincerely appreciated.
Posted: 1 year, 6 months ago
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Safety Termination...?
Thanks all for taking the time. Negligence always equals safety. Makes sense to me. I have definitely increased my diligence since. Unfortunately, I only have 5, rather than six, safe months since. Really appreciate the candid input.