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Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I don't get it ...High Road Training halt
Keith, I think after thinking further about this you are simply not understanding the question. You seem to be a little short on patience and that is probably what's causing your snag. The questions are sometimes worded in such a way that you have to read them carefully. The very simple reason they are done this way is because that is exactly how they are often times in the actual state exams. They want to see if you are paying attention and understand the little nuances about the rules. If you just race through the question and don't really understand what it is asking you for then you are doomed to answer it incorrectly, you may even be able to quote the answer you gave from the manual, but if that's not what the question is asking you for then you still haven't gotten the answer correct.
Now, we have occasionally had someone find a mistake in the system and we are thankful for them pointing it out to us. If you would be so kind as to quote the question that is snagging you up Brett would be able to determine what's happening here and maybe help you move forward. So if you could do that for us we would appreciate it greatly.
I know you're trying to be helpful, but you're off base , I am not misunderstanding the question, it's not about rules or anything complicated. It;s a simple straighforward question (question #215) with multiple answers, asking which one is true, using the system you all seem to love so much (having the answers handed to you rather than actually testing your knowledge) I went to the referenced page(page 43) and chose the answer that is an exact quote, not almost, not reworded, exact, word for word including punctuation, and it repeatedly tells me that that is the wrong answer and that the right answer is one that I posted earlier which is not right(have you ever seen a round red knob used for setting brakes? if it offered answers about diamond shaped yellow or octagonal red knobs I could see somebody maybe misunderstanding but it does not) I found another site that I can use for $15 rather than one that has been proven to be faulty so I choose to use the pay site that has not shown I can't trust it
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I don't get it ...High Road Training halt
Ok, everybody keeps saying this program is the best there is, I vehemently disagree!! I flat refuse to "learn" faulty information..
here is a word for word EXACT QUOTE from page 43, which the question I am being told i answered wrong is based on.. "On older vehicles, the parking brake may be controlled by a lever" your prgogram has repeatedly told me that is wrong and this "You apply the parking brakes by using a circle shaped red knob" is correct you all can keep kissing each other's asses and reinforcing the dumbing down of America, I'm going elsewhere, thanx for nothing
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Big story here but Many thanks for your Great Answers
Hey Niki. To be honest, I'm not sure what your question is. Can you clarify please?
He's been telling me to get CDL's and he will "cover for me" in team driving
And I don't know what that means either but it sounds a bit scary.
I'm betting it means he'll do all the driving, he just needs her logbook to make it look good, I'd do the same thing in that situation:)
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Going to school so starting to figure out the best company
Hi Ryan, I think most of the bigger companies have regional operations, your willingness to relocate could be an advantage finding a good fit so I would think you're headed the right direction, Good luck to you.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Big story here but Many thanks for your Great Answers
I feel out of the loop on the BMI , sleep apnea thing... I thought I was ok when they didn't push the BMI restrictions thru(i would've been in trouble with that, don't know what my BMI is but I know it's BAD) I heard recently that some companies are requiring drivers to have sleep studies done(at the driver's expense)in order to keep their jobs, that has me kinda worried,I think i remember seeing something about probable apnea(maybe just because I was such a fat slob)in my records when I got out of the hospital after my stroke but I don't remember them doing any testing.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Thanx guys, I've heard a lot of drivers talk about their DAC over the years, so I was expecting something much more involved than what I got. I haven't changed jobs since 1996 or had an accident/incident for more 10 years, and I never failed a drug screen so I guess I should be happy it's blank instead of surprised by it.
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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Ok , i hate all of you guys... .... no really i'm kIDDING,y'all are making Prime sound really good, I considered them but had it hardwired in my mind that they were a lease operation only, so I decided to go with Celadon before even talking to a Prime recruiter(i leave for Indy next weekend)now it seems like everybody and his dog is praising Prime and I'm sitting here hoping I made a good choice
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I was never a job hopper or druggie so I never had reason to worry about my DAC report, now that I'm ready to get back into the Industry I went online and requested a copy of the report, I got it in the mail yesterday and opened it a few minutes ago and I was surprised to find..... NOTHING...seriously, the only information it contained was my name and the fact that my former employer as well as the school I'm going to, had requested the report also. nothing else! not one thing about work history, drug tests etc...silly me I thought it would actually have information in it, I knew i was being naive to expect a list of all the drug screens I passed over the years(I was convinced that the first company I worked for back in the late 80s/early90s sent me for so many"random"screenings because by law somebody had to go and they knew I was clean, I guess i was just being paranoid) but I thought it would at least show a minimal work history. Is this normal
Posted: 11 years, 2 months ago
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I don't get it ...High Road Training halt
You're halted because you're still struggling with the question. If you're 3 of 5 for the question that means you don't understand it. Keep doing it and keep answering it correctly and the halt will go away. But so far, you've still answered the question wrong too many times to continue and be given new study material.
Also, it's pretty easy to find out which question you keep getting wrong. It's the one that pops up on every test.
I guess you didn't see the part where i got halted after i got 100%
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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I don't get it ...High Road Training halt
I was already out there for 22 years and survived just fine !!