Union, NJ
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
Social Link:
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I'm in!!! Orientation with Melton Truck Lines in Tulsa, OK
Hey Steve, do not slack off, they will have no problem sending you home. You haven't made it until next Monday(actually Sunday), they will do and say things to test your character and nerve. You may not think so, but you are being evaluated at every moment, so be proactive, show interest and be your best behavior until you get your ID and a hand shake welcoming you to Melton next Sunday..
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Continue with Road Test in another State
I passed my pre-trip test in NJ. Was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to get the yard and road test done in Indianapolis without having to start all over again.
Or in any other state!
Also your CDL permit will not transfer to Indiana, you have to take the tests all over again and before you are able to take the CDL permit tests, have to first pass the operators license test which is 60 questions. Your out of state DL will not automatically transfer, you have to take the written test..
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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Continue with Road Test in another State
I passed my pre-trip test in NJ. Was wondering if anyone knows if its possible to get the yard and road test done in Indianapolis without having to start all over again.
Or in any other state!
Pre-trip?? you take it separate in Jersey??? Do you mean the CDL permit?
If you really mean the Pre-Trip, in Indiana it's not possible as you take the same say starting with Pre-Trip on the skills test and then road...you have to pass one before moving on the the next one..
Posted: 10 years, 9 months ago
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What kind of truck do you drive?
Sitting for 10hr break in Chama NM. I'm a week in training with a KW660.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Passed CDL, graduate from TDI today attending Melton orientation on 23rd of May
Hi Guys, just a quick update on my situation. First I would like to thank people on this site for help and encouragement given to me thru my ordeal and effort on becoming a truck driver, it has paid off. For those that don't know or remember, I was having trouble getting pre-hires form companies because of a suspension on my DVR and a work gap. After research and effort was able to get a pre-hire from PTL(could have also have gone to Swift, CRST and CR England training schools), I decided to go private and attend TDI in Indianapolis.
After 2 1/2 weeks of hard work, they had me test early and passed my pre-trip, skills and road test on Wednesday on first try. Today is my last day here, it wasn't easy, it took a lot effort and dedication to get thru these three weeks with a CDL in hand, but it paid off. While here and again with a lot persistence and hard work on my part(things won't just fall into your lap), I was able to get pre-hires from a few more companies and especially from a great company that is Melton truck lines. Leaving for Tulsa, OK orientation on the 23rd...
Sorry Scott, I won't be joining you at PTL, like I had planned..
THANKS everyone.
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Personal Communication Devices
Agree with everything Brett said, I just recently got a HTC ONE(M8), beautiful phone, from Verizon with a 10gig data plan. The phone can be turned into a "hotspot" which lets me connect and access those 10gigs with my computer. Works like a charm..
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Beginning new career with PTL. (A diary)
Hi Scott, could you please post your Miles/pay the last few weeks? How's your partner coming along, things much be going ok since you haven't said much about him lately. Also how are you finding the equipment at PTL? Do you have decent truck and are the trailers in go shape?
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Ok, will be going to a few truck stops tomorrow..thanks guys
Posted: 10 years, 10 months ago
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Beginning new career with PTL. (A diary)
Haven't updated this post in a while. Phone was inoperable and it's been a terrible week. From Minerva Oh picked up load in Clyde Ohio bound for Locust Grove Ga. Was instructed to get there ASAP and pick up new load from same facility. 19 hrs later (for a drop and hook) we were loaded and headed to right outside of philly. Got a crack in windshield and had to wait overnight in Bordentown NJ. Got new glass and was dispatched a place right down the street to pick up an empty and drop empty about 20 miles away. Then bobtailed to New Bergen NJ to pick up load bound for Fairborn OH. No one at this facility has ever heard of PTL. They don't have my trailer and no one speaks English. Dispatch has no clue what to do. I have no clue what to do. No one here even knows who in the heck I am or why I'm here. This "team" has gotten 2800 miles and logged about 1000 hrs as sleeper berth. To top it all off, the place I'm at is less than 3 miles from Times Square. I'm in a place where no one with my level of experience should ever be allowed to drive a truck. I haven't had any incidents yet but only because I'm in a bobtail. If I'd had a 53' trailer, myself and said trailer would still be at the RR underpass that turns 180 degrees and becomes a 1 lane road with 2 way traffic with no warning whatsoever. Luckily, not much traffic was using it because it had about 3 feet of standing water in the road. So here I sit on the bad side of the Hudson River waiting for a load that isn't here. And that is how I'm doing lol.
I don't know if anyone is going to read that last paragraph, but I feel a lot better having written it. I'm gonna stop whining now.
Wow, very interesting and crazy, I know the area a bit and it is very hectic. Lets us know how your situation gets resolved..
Posted: 10 years, 8 months ago
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I'm in!!! Orientation with Melton Truck Lines in Tulsa, OK
Did they quit or were let go??