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Company Driver In Training
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Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
I did my research. The Paid CDL Training Programs is not what I want to do. That path may be good for some people but there is no One Size Fits All.
Shadow, the issues you are now having were addressed 5 months ago when we overwhelming advised you to take the path of Paid CDL Training Programs.
Here is a link to your initial introductory thread... One on One CDL School
Sorry you are having troubles... we did warn you, especially Old School.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
I paid $4,000.00 out of my pocket, no grants. Yes I can continue to train until my test date. So I will end up getting 5 weeks of training and then I will test. I was really planning in completing the course in 3 weeks because my opportunity cost is high by not being able to run my current business as effectively because of the 8-5 school commitment.
Here are some of the problems the school is facing. They are associated with the Community College and credits are earned for completing the course... Since the DMV can only handle so many tests per week it has log jammed our school, and many students are still in the 3 week course after 5 weeks and still haven't tested. I realize it's not all of the schools fault, but I would have expected them to inform me that I needed to possibly budget 5 weeks to complete the course vs the 3 weeks that I agreed to.
My original question still stands. Did I misunderstand or did the school misrepresent? In regards to the 4o hours behind the wheel
Haya, Shadow Trucker . . .
Quick question; Was your schooling paid through a WIOA grant? (If not, what 'was' the cost?) << might be irrelevant; just trying to figure this out.
Also; any way you could post a copy of your contract on here? Might help these guys above (and others) interpret your situation better. IMHO, you are probably still going to have to sign on with a 'training company.' You've got no road time at all; wondering how you are even going to pass a road test. I'm not being snarky by any means; my other half went to Roadmasters in 2003 and I've still got his 160 certificate in a file, somewhere. He recalls having around 20 hours of road time.
Just thinking out loud, trying to help. I think it's a bit of both; misunderstanding AND misrepresentation. Seeing your paper copy would help us help ya~!!
~ Anne ~
ps: With that 'extra' 2 week drag, for testing, why can't/won't they let you DRIVE whilst waiting for the DMV?!?!?
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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There is also another possibility to growing a successful freight business. I don't know your level of business experience, but this is what I am doing..
Start your own Brokerage Authority and start to let that Bonded Brokerage start to "Season" while you are building your carrier business. When the time comes and you have 2 trucks and a few good customers, when the customer demands exceed your 2 truck operation capabilities, you don't have to turn down any loads, in fact you can handle all of there loads, and you can broker those loads out to reputable carriers. That is how you make real money in the freight business.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
Here are some of the problems the school is facing. They are associated with the Community College and credits are earned for completing the course... Since the DMV can only handle so many tests per week it has log jammed our school, and many students are still in the 3 week course after 5 weeks and still haven't tested. I realize it's not all of the schools fault, but I would have expected them to inform me that I needed to possibly budget 5 weeks to complete the course vs the 3 weeks that I agreed to.
My original question still stands. Did I misunderstand or did the school misrepresent? In regards to the 4o hours behind the wheel
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
Currently there are 3 Tractors with Trailers and 1 Bobtail. There are 3 instructors.
Yesterday there were 16 students in class (4 test per week, 2 on Thursday and 2 on Friday). The Arizona DMV we test at only has 2 examiners so our school only tests on Thursday and Friday.
So on Thursdays and Fridays there are 12 students, 2 Tractors with Trailers and 1 Bobtail. 1 Tractor with Trailer goes to Testing.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Just Truckin on YouTube started his own authority right out of CDL School without any experience. So obviously it can be done successfully. I would recommend checking out his channel.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
The school offers a 160 hour course for people that want to obtain their permit through the school
120 hours for people that obtain their permit on their own.
I did my research and talked to 10+ companies before making my decision to take the 120 hour course. Every company including all the mega carriers accept the 120 hour course!!
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
After day 5 and completing 40 hours of my "80 hours of Range and Pre Trip Instruction" I met with the School Manager and expressed my concern about getting enough instruction on skills and also about getting off the Range for my "40 Hours of Behind the Wheel Driving and Instruction" because I could tell things were not organized and I was concerned that I would be in this exact position near the end of my 3 weeks.
His reply was "Don't Worry, The First Week is Mostly Pre Trip Instruction. You will get plenty of behind the wheel driving. Trust Me"
So as I have been Trusting Him, I only have 20 minutes behind the wheel.
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
This Friday will be the my last day of a 3 week, 120 hour CDL School Course. The course curriculum that I signed up for includes the following: "80 hours of Range and Pre Trip Instruction" and "40 hours of Behind the Wheel Driving and Training"
I approached the Lead Instructor this morning and I told him I only have 3 days left on my 3 week course. I have only been off the Range 2 times for a total of 4 hours. I have 20 minutes of actually being behind the wheel out of those 4 hours off the Range. The other 3 hours and 40 minutes was spent in the passenger seat as the instructor was commuting back and forth to the off range industrial park where we practice or in the back as the other 3 students took turns driving.
In my opinion the school has not upheld what I signed up for and paid for. It was my understanding that I would get 40 hours of actual driving "Behind the Wheel" drive time.
Am I misunderstanding or did the school misrepresent ?
Posted: 3 years, 10 months ago
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Private CDL School Course Curriculum Interpretation Help Needed
Thanks Big Scott