Sign up for the High Road Training Program on this web site and do the HazMat section. After you take the practice tests, go back and check all your answers. It's just as important to go back and compare the questions with the answers of the one's you answered correctly as it is to review the ones you answered incorrectly. At first when you start this section you'll say to yourself "There ain't now way in hell I can remember all this ****" (if the word **** is too harsh for ya, replace it with whatever soothes you) but you'll soon find yourself knowing the material and impressing yourself. The folks responsible for creating this learning process did it in such a way that makes you actually look forward coming home, getting on-line and studying. I know you're probably thinking I'm off base here but trust me once you get into it, it'll start to click. Also, the folks who wrote it have a great sense of humor. Very down to earth.
Posted: 11 years, 1 month ago
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Have CDL, now i need the HazMat. Questions:)
Sign up for the High Road Training Program on this web site and do the HazMat section. After you take the practice tests, go back and check all your answers. It's just as important to go back and compare the questions with the answers of the one's you answered correctly as it is to review the ones you answered incorrectly. At first when you start this section you'll say to yourself "There ain't now way in hell I can remember all this ****" (if the word **** is too harsh for ya, replace it with whatever soothes you) but you'll soon find yourself knowing the material and impressing yourself. The folks responsible for creating this learning process did it in such a way that makes you actually look forward coming home, getting on-line and studying. I know you're probably thinking I'm off base here but trust me once you get into it, it'll start to click. Also, the folks who wrote it have a great sense of humor. Very down to earth.