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Posted:  4 days, 11 hours ago

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Swift screwed my DAC since I deadheaded back to terminal 220 miles without permission.

At a guess, there was nothing wrong with the idle feature, as usually mega carriers have it set to not idle when ambient temps are 30-80 degrees. To give the APU a shot at keeping it cool, you HAVE to use the curtains, and in my case, I also used the quilted window covers, and fans to move air. (Simple USB powered from Amazon)

In short, they checked it over, found no actual fault. Instead of asking questions and communicating, you made a rash decision, of going unauthorized empty 200 miles (sooooo, how much did that cost, at 9mpg, humm?) and quit. Now you are Surprised Pikachu face that they had something to say about it?

Posted:  5 days, 12 hours ago

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Companies that train for both CLP AND CDL

Isn't there one extra section from tx though? I can't specifically remember which, it's been a minute!

Posted:  6 days, 21 hours ago

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Company suddenly requires double/triple endorsement

I don't see the issue with requiring a doubles/triples endorsement.

It's just a quick computer test. Have you actually seen your company with the equipment needed to build a set? It may be entirely a checklist item, that they want to use in their negotiating position.

For instance:

"90 percent of our fleet have TWIC and Passports".

The hidden meaning? Our drivers can pass the homeland security background check for TWIC and can legally leave the country. But saying "none of our drivers are criminals" would be frowned upon and hurt someone's feelings

Posted:  6 days, 21 hours ago

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Cdl or dot physical

Montana wouldn't allow you to even take the permit test without a valid med card, so you may not even have the option.

Posted:  2 weeks ago

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May Trucking HQ in Salem OR as a place to start as a rookie?? (There is SO MUCH negativity in the industry that I just want warts and all honesty!)

Of the two, I'd say Wilson. However that is wholly dependant on gut feeling, and not knowing anything current about May. Keep in mind, some of Wilson's fleet hauls Prime trailers, and has access to our facilities and drop yards while under Prime loads. SOME of their drivers park at our main terminal sometimes, even with their brand new facility 10 miles away.

Posted:  1 month ago

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New CDL-A, Tanker Company Paid Training

What PJ said, verbatim. Except for the "pulling tanks 6 years" part....

Posted:  1 month ago

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CDL Training

Solo training isn't realistic. I think I have only heard of one company that you got training miles with a mentor right there in the passenger seat the whole time. Unfortunately the team driving model is how most training goes, and for good reason.

Team training allows the student to think it through themselves, but have the safety net of someone immediately available to assist. The whole point is to learn how to operate by yourself.

As for sleeping while the truck is in motion, that's just how it is. I am also a CPAP user, and that wasn't what made sleeping hard. What eventually worked was wireless headphones (that covered the whole ear) and Binaural sleep music.

Posted:  1 month ago

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Safety technology usage affecting safety performance

They don't alter how I drive at all. However, there is a risk to "alarm blindness" for some people. My first truck had a habit of all the sensors losing their calibration, so I would get constant feedback and false alerts until I could get it recalibrated again. It was frustrating, and annoying. By the time I got into my second truck, the only thing that popped into my head was the slightly different tone change between the trucks. People can get lulled into a false sense of safety, OR a habit of ignoring the warnings (faulty warnings) and miss something really important.

Do I think it can be helpful? Sure. Do I think it's the be all end all of safety? No. Especially when climbing a really long hill while heavy, and the truck thinks a sign over the interstate is an impending collision and stomps the brakes.

Posted:  1 month ago

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Bunch of questions, advice needed

Quoted from a 2026 Fire Engine Red Peterbilt 579. I was shocked when it showed available 🤣

Instead, your truck company keeps you in late model tractors, with room for a TV and even might have a fridge installed! As I said, learn your business, keep your nose clean (an old way of saying "don't mess around") and you'll do good. It'll take a while but it's entirely possible to pull down almost $6 figures.

Posted:  1 month ago

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New CDL A Driver Facing Experience Barriers – Seeking Home Daily or OTR Job Near DeKalb, IL!

Good idea Kearsey!

Picking up a loaded trailer of paper rolls, the trailer was too high to hook, so I had to crank the nose down.


This is what happens in tight docks when the other person isn't straight and in their lines.



Teamwork makes the dream work, outside Chicago. The blue truck struggled to get in, without a truck in my dock. She held my trailer door off her mirror when I was sneaking in.



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