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Posted: 4 years, 3 months ago
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Hey y'all, I've been reading all through this site. You're some very helpful, very entertaining folks.
My question pertains to drug testing. I do not currently hold a CDL or permit or anything. It's just been a career path I've had my eyes on for a few years when construction gets old.
Last month I failed a pre-employment drug test for a construction company. I thought I was clean, I hadn't used anything for like 6 weeks after a trip to the Rockies, but I guess my fat ass was holding onto some metabolites.
My question is, have I screwed myself out of getting my CDL for the next 5 years? Am I in a database as a drug addict now and untouchable by carriers?
Posted: 4 years, 3 months ago
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Drug Testing history question
Thanks for the helpful responses fellers. Sounds like I've pickled myself but the dream isn't totally crushed and that makes me happy.
How common are follicle tests in the industry, specifically with the mega carriers that offer training? Is that something they mention up front or is it just up in the air til you show up at the office? I wonder if inquiring ahead of time is a red flag?
I popped hot on a urinalysis. I was camping/hiking/exploring for two weeks and was vaping and eating goodies basically everyday of the trip except the day I went home. Been stone cold sober since, and that hot test really threw me for a loop. Definitely makes me never want to partake again since apparently it sticks with me.