Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Thinking about becoming a trucker.
I drove Class B for many years before I became a cop. When injuries forced me into retirement I went back to trucking. The problem was the jobs were not plentiful and the pay was terrible. I decided to go to school and get my Class A.
It wasn't easy as I thought, but I finally got the coveted Class A. Now to find a job..
Posted: 11 years ago
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Don't know if i already said this before but i passed my written test
Congrats on passing. Research your employment carefully.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Am I in Wisconsin, or is this Hoth?
If you're getting slammed in WI then we in Ohio are next. Stay safe and warm driver..
Posted: 11 years ago
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Don't sweat it. We had a female in class that was a ball of nervousness and she did fine.
Posted: 11 years ago
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Taking The Truck Home. A blessing or a curse.
I have read and seen all the advertisements from the major carriers promoting all they have to offer. Chief among them is the fact that you can take your truck home for your days off. Well that maybe an incitement for those of you living in a rural setting with ample grounds, but for those of us in the suburbs its become a bit of a challenge.
I made about half a dozen phone calls and no one will allow a tractor trailer to be parked on their property for any reason other than loading and unloading. So it looks like my decision will be based on the distance to my residence and not who has the most to offer. This sucks.