San Bernardino, CA
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Company Driver In Training
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Passed my CDL and waiting for a TNT Trainer
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Coming To The End of My PSD Training with Prime
It's been a hectic 3 1/2 weeks and I'm scheduled to take my test!! I'm so freaking nervous and excited at the same time! Getting so nervous that I'm forgetting some of my maneuvers that I was doing just fine with before!!
When I start thinking of the date closing in, my heart begins to race!! I'm gonna need to figure some sort of mediation to calm down!!
Posted: 4 years, 1 month ago
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Wow! It's been a hectic couple of weeks but I have to say it's been very informative and glad that I went through Prime for my training! Although some have gone through other driving schools to get their CDL before coming to Prime and they may have even had their state pay for their training, I've heard how they regret not just coming straight to Prime and doing their training with them. I posted a few videos about things you may want to prepare for, but not the details of how to do certain maneuvers and such because there's plenty of videos out there on that. At this point. I'll only be posting updates and not a video every day. If you want to check out the videos, go to
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Welcome to Trucking Truth!
Glad you finally came out of the shadows, ma'am~!!!
Have you seen Kearsey's videos? She's our Prime 'Model/Moderator' on board here . . . you may even know her from Sprimo.
I'll be checking out YOUR vids, too!! Congrats on getting on with Prime... excited to follow y'alls journey, for sure!
~ Anne ~
Thanks, Anne! I did get a lot of info from her thru Trucking Truth but I haven't really caught her videos yet. I'll most likely check them out soon!
~ Christie ~
Posted: 4 years, 2 months ago
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Hi! This is my first post. Kind of new to Trucking Truth but more a lurker lol. Anyway I've been watching videos and reading through the forums before both myself and my husband made the decision to go with Prime for Truck Driving School. He had his own career but due to Covid, mine was eliminated. I started last week (1/4/2021) and thought as a woman over 50, there are things that would have been good to know and good to have some support of women my age. So if like to share my experience and show those ladies who are on the fence that they can do this no matter what negative feedback you may get from others. I was lucky enough to have the support of my husband but not everyone can be so lucky.
Anyway, hubby and I both agreed that the extra time Prime takes to make sure you're prepared was definitely what sold us on going with them. We will both feel more secure in knowing I've had a lot of time with a TNT Trainer and experience plenty of real life situations II may come across as a solo driver. Prime does definitely get you prepared for the trucking lifestyle from day one and I have learned a lot so far. I've passed my assessments for a majority of my pre-trip and in the process of learning more. I put together little videos to talk about my day and things I've gone thru. I'm trying to show it from a woman over 50 and things you need to consider plus be prepared for. If you're interested in checking it out, here's my link
I'll try to update at least once a week here and let you all know how I'm doing. So far the process has been fast paced but I do have to say it's been very informative.
Posted: 4 years ago
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Coming To The End of My PSD Training with Prime
Thanks everyone! 😁 Yes, I finally got my CDL and am waiting at home for a trainer. Be careful out there everyone and hope to see you all soon!