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Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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Probably failed DOT drug screen in Sept. 2015

I agree definitely was a huge foolish risk and mistake. To be clear you are saying contact the recruiter for the company i failed with?


So I’m dealing with this right now I failed a drug test for prime (cannabis) in April of 2019 had only a cdl permit. Just completed school in Oct 2020. Was in talks with western express and they told me prime reported that I failed to hire right. Of course all talks was off. So now I’m just stuck because I don’t know what to do from here. Any real suggestions on what my next steps should be? Most companies ask have you failed a drug test within the last two years do I wait the two years out which would b April of 2021 or can I still be hired somewhere


I'm going to venture the opinion that if you failed a DOT DRUG SCREEN - the only way to overcome it is to complete a "Return To Duty Protocol" SAP - and this is going to be at your own expense.

While you missed the cutoff for your failure to be noted on FMCSA's Drug/Alcohol Clearinghouse - that DAC report is going to haunt you.

People who have years on the road, that drop hot (and are otherwise incident free/productive driver) and do a SAP, have a way easier time than folks who have never driven at all, and drop hot at a training orientation. For folks who are experience and have an "ooopsie", is one thing (albeit still very foolish when you know you can be dropped at any time) - but for folks who are trying to get trained, the company is taking a HUGE RISK in investing in someones training, that can't even show up clean at an orientation. Not to sound harsh - but that is the harsh reality of the situation. I would ask the recruiter to get in touch with safety, and enquire if you would be required to complete a SAP to even be considered.


Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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Probably failed DOT drug screen in Sept. 2015

Thanks, a lot Anne for your help it definitely was helpful and sparked some ideas.

You're most welcome, Ro C. Wish I had more for you. Stick around, and perhaps start a thread of YOUR own. . . for a better following, and more replies. I sure wish you the best; I'm just one of the MANY peeps on this site, and you MAY get other and better replies. Location might help, also. Yours, not mine, haha! (You should add that, for more info!)

Have you ventured the 'CraigsList' way? Not that we recommend that, because small/shady companies can destroy your DAC as you are repairing it, in the same breath. Just wondering out loud.

Also, even though driving something like a Dump Truck; CLASS B won't 'count' to your overall CDL A experience.. it could help YOU in the long run, understanding the ins and outs of some of the places the big rigs go, and get a 'look see,' for the moment. It doesn't count, but sure wouldn't hurt. You COULD get in with your CDL, should you choose to stay in the 'industry' until April ~!

My 2 cents turned into 200 . . . LoL~!

Keep us in the loop; we are here to help, good sir!

Again, wish you well.

~ Anne ~

Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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Probably failed DOT drug screen in Sept. 2015

I actually have a CDLA now, but I hear what you are saying thank you


So I’m dealing with this right now I failed a drug test for prime (cannabis) in April of 2019 had only a cdl permit. Just completed school in Oct 2020. Was in talks with western express and they told me prime reported that I failed to hire right. Of course all talks was off. So now I’m just stuck because I don’t know what to do from here. Any real suggestions on what my next steps should be? Most companies ask have you failed a drug test within the last two years do I wait the two years out which would b April of 2021 or can I still be hired somewhere


Howdy, Ro C.

Man, that's a conundrum. I sure don't HAVE the answers, but seeing as Western passed on you, I'm thinking you might just be on 'hold' until 4/21. Considerably, it's not that far off.

Keep your nose (and lungs!) clean until then, and doors will open.

If you never got your actual CDLA , your permit probably HAS expired by now; so it's all the more sense, to just wait, and sign on with a training company. Maybe just deliver pizza or something for now, and wait it out. The 'veterans' of this site will (may) chime in, but that's probably the 'closest' it'll get.

Stick around, thanks for stopping by our site; wish you would have before you ventured to Prime, dirty. That's a fine company, and a stickler to get into.

Wish you the best;

~ Anne ~

Posted:  4 years, 2 months ago

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Probably failed DOT drug screen in Sept. 2015

So I’m dealing with this right now I failed a drug test for prime (cannabis) in April of 2019 had only a cdl permit. Just completed school in Oct 2020. Was in talks with western express and they told me prime reported that I failed to hire right. Of course all talks was off. So now I’m just stuck because I don’t know what to do from here. Any real suggestions on what my next steps should be? Most companies ask have you failed a drug test within the last two years do I wait the two years out which would b April of 2021 or can I still be hired somewhere

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