More! (and I'm just going to renumber every post)
1. You're just going to have to deal with the fact that you're going to be teacher's pet.
2. They don't have an issue that you're female, you're smart and cute, you WILL be teacher's pet. (He might be right...but still.)
3. Most truckers stop at some place you can get groceries that is NOT a truck stop once in a while. Some might even let you use fridge space while you're training with them.
4. See that guy? (crotch rocket rider swerving around people and driving on the line between cars) He's going to get killed someday. Don't be next to him when it happens if you can avoid it. Know where he is. Don't react emotionally like hubby would (I refused to roll down the window so my husband could yell at the guy, and he's known for generally being an a-hole back to people who **** him off when he's in a car).
5. Don't change the phone plan until after you've been out there for a while. We have enough data you'll survive, even if both of us are still using it (we keep hoping somebody will run decent cable internet out here and use a wi-fi hotspot for now).
6. Don't eat fish in the truck. Don't open fish in the truck. Don't bring the can opener back in the truck after opening fish. Don't bring your mouth back into the truck until you rinse it out after eating fish. (He hates fish, I eat tuna salad quite a bit, and that is something that wouldn't require refrigeration)
Older Newbie, we ride motorcycles as well. Hubby just drilled holes in his baffle to make it louder so hopefully people can hear him better. I rode a little 49cc scooter when we lived in town, but we're now on a road where everybody goes 70 and me on a little scooter going 40 makes my husband nervous for some reason.
My next-size-up motorcycle is getting a windshield in the shop right now (and a new chain and sprockets) because I don't like it when the wind grabs my head and turns it if I dare veer from facing straight forward.
Thanks for all of the great tips and a good laugh, too. I'm leaving for training this weekend and can use all the help I can get! I loved the one about directions on the window with a dry erase pen. Good luck to you if you decide to take the plunge.
If a truckers mouth is moving he's lying don't show your hooters
Get out and look... All those cat callers on the radio already backed into something and spent three weeks of pay checks fixin what they broke and really want to watch you do the same thing...
All those guys haulin wide/oversize loads don't move over much...make sure u don't let them rub u the wrong way;-)
Don't get a truck wash then park next to a bull hauler
Don't get a truck wash then park next to a bull hauler
HELL make sure and check around u at least ten spaces to make sure one didn't sneak up next to u at the truck stop!!
Man it took me ten minutes to figure out that the smell wasn't me!! Haha
If a truckers mouth is moving he's lying don't show your hooters
LOL. No worries on that. There is a very specific list of people I'm allowed to show my hooters to, and I'm pretty certain none of those people (other than my husband) will be asking.
Don't get a truck wash then park next to a bull hauler
HELL make sure and check around u at least ten spaces to make sure one didn't sneak up next to u at the truck stop!!
Man it took me ten minutes to figure out that the smell wasn't me!! Haha
Teehee! Someone brought a dog up to church last night. He kept farting and the lady next to him kept checking her baby's diaper.
If it takes you that long to figure out that the smell wasn't you, might I suggest you shower more often?
If a truckers mouth is moving he's lying don't show your hooters
LOL. No worries on that. There is a very specific list of people I'm allowed to show my hooters to, and I'm pretty certain none of those people (other than my husband) will be asking.
Don't get a truck wash then park next to a bull hauler
HELL make sure and check around u at least ten spaces to make sure one didn't sneak up next to u at the truck stop!!
Man it took me ten minutes to figure out that the smell wasn't me!! Haha
Teehee! Someone brought a dog up to church last night. He kept farting and the lady next to him kept checking her baby's diaper.
If it takes you that long to figure out that the smell wasn't you, might I suggest you shower more often?
I did need one just didn't think I needed one that bad😏😏
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More! (and I'm just going to renumber every post)
1. You're just going to have to deal with the fact that you're going to be teacher's pet.
2. They don't have an issue that you're female, you're smart and cute, you WILL be teacher's pet. (He might be right...but still.)
3. Most truckers stop at some place you can get groceries that is NOT a truck stop once in a while. Some might even let you use fridge space while you're training with them.
4. See that guy? (crotch rocket rider swerving around people and driving on the line between cars) He's going to get killed someday. Don't be next to him when it happens if you can avoid it. Know where he is. Don't react emotionally like hubby would (I refused to roll down the window so my husband could yell at the guy, and he's known for generally being an a-hole back to people who **** him off when he's in a car).
5. Don't change the phone plan until after you've been out there for a while. We have enough data you'll survive, even if both of us are still using it (we keep hoping somebody will run decent cable internet out here and use a wi-fi hotspot for now).
6. Don't eat fish in the truck. Don't open fish in the truck. Don't bring the can opener back in the truck after opening fish. Don't bring your mouth back into the truck until you rinse it out after eating fish. (He hates fish, I eat tuna salad quite a bit, and that is something that wouldn't require refrigeration)
Older Newbie, we ride motorcycles as well. Hubby just drilled holes in his baffle to make it louder so hopefully people can hear him better. I rode a little 49cc scooter when we lived in town, but we're now on a road where everybody goes 70 and me on a little scooter going 40 makes my husband nervous for some reason.
My next-size-up motorcycle is getting a windshield in the shop right now (and a new chain and sprockets) because I don't like it when the wind grabs my head and turns it if I dare veer from facing straight forward.
A partition or separator within a liquid tank, used to inhibit the flow of fluids within the tank. During acceleration, turning, and braking, a large liquid-filled tank may produce unexpected forces on the vehicle due to the inertia of liquids.