I can't remember where this is from, or if I'm quoting it correctly, but I like it.
"Do not become angry when people become angry with you. Maintaining a calm demeanor will be healthier for you, and nothing ****es off an angry person more."
Beth opines:
I can't remember where this is from, or if I'm quoting it correctly, but I like it.
"Do not become angry when people become angry with you. Maintaining a calm demeanor will be healthier for you, and nothing ****es off an angry person more."
As a teacher, I often used a similar phrase when dealing with angry kids. They did tune in to the "he wants you to get angry, so if you don't get mad, he'll go nuts!"
Also, your anger means you are allowing the other person to control you. Yesssir! If you turn around and walk away, the other person loses the "argument".
So tailgaters, cut-offs, brake checkers, speeders, etc., should not affect what you are supposed to be doing.
Operating While Intoxicated
Got a can of Coca-cola with one of those phrases on the side. This one is taken differently by a truck driver:
Share aCoke with a TAILGATER
Sure! If I can see his windshield!
My wife's family always has a family reunion on or around Labor Day. Most of them know I drive, so every coke that was pulled out of the coolers that had "tailgater" on it was given to me. I guess they think I will have to reload more than once.
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Lol, I had a guy the other day give me the bird and I gave him a thumbs up back... That really ****ed him off.... I was laughing all the way through the intersection.