Hi. I am wondering if trucking companies will still hire you if they do a hair test and find alcohol. I don't do drugs, but i drink. Would that be a deal breaker? Thanks :)
I don't think they test for that... Just don't drink the night before and don't drink while in the truck even if your shut down for 34 hours
Hi Cory. I wondered about drug testing and alcohol use also. I have never used drugs except for pain relief after surgeries, years ago. But I do like to have a glass or two of wine in the evening. Talked to a few medical people I know and looked through my old textbooks for some answers. Basically, a urine test will find alcohol for up to 80-90 hours after consumption (3-4 days). But hair follicle testing can detect alcohol use for about 90 days prior. Can also distinguish between heavy alcohol consumption, social drinking, or even just a few drinks the past three months. Hair testing for alcohol has to be hair from the scalp, doesn't work with body hair. And the hair needs to be at least 1 - 1.5 inches in length. Dyeing, bleaching, or perming does not affect test, as they are testing what is inside the hair not what was done to the surface of the hair. So, best to avoid all alcohol for at least 90 days before testing to be sure!
I really dont think they are all that worried about alcohol personally. I know i like to drink when im at home and the week before i left for school i drank alot. I didnt want my beer to go bad while i was out on the road lol. But yeah no one ever said anything to me about alcohol in my hair test so i guess i was good
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Hi. I am wondering if trucking companies will still hire you if they do a hair test and find alcohol. I don't do drugs, but i drink. Would that be a deal breaker? Thanks :)