Hey man! It's great hearing from ya again!
I'm glad that Salvation Army gig is working out so well. I was wondering how that would go. Seems like you've found something that suits you really well, and most importantly gets you home to the family. That's awesome news!
I'd love to have you stop in from time to time and write another article. Sure hope you get the chance!
Congratulations David, It's great to here from you! That sounds like a unique opportunity you landed, but that's the way truck driving is, there are a lot of opportunities in it and anyone with a desire to succeed in it should be able to find their niche.
We wish you the best! Keep us updated so we don't lose track of you.
I was wondering how it was going! It's good that you're actually working out now not just sitting long hours. I'm sure your family is a lot happier and balanced now that you're home. I wish you luck in the future sir and glad to hear from you!
Yea it's been a hell of a couple months.. Getting back into rythm with the family, starting the new job... feel like I need a vacation now.... lol. It'd take me a month just to filter through the site. haha
David....I'm so glad that you got to do your year long adventure...AND that you scored a good at home job !! WTG !!! Now you know both worlds...and you know what works for you. But without that year's experience, the job you have now would not have happened...So it all pans out....Enjoy your family..they are so very important...
And I'm glad you came in and hollered...Ya know...you can come in here and help us corral and brand these newbies....Sometimes they just get flat outta hand..
Congratulations David,
You were one of the very first stories I started following when I came on this site, and I loved hearing about all of it. I can't believe it's been a year already though. The time really does seem to fly by when you are driving a truck.
It does take some time to get adjusted to being back home again. It really is a huge change for your family, first getting used to you being gone, and then getting used to you being back home, especially for the kids. (They just don't seem to deal with change very well, even if it's a good change.)
I'm so glad to hear that you found something that works for you; I was really pulling for you. You worked so hard, and were doing so well, you just seemed to be cut out to be a truck driver. We would have lost a valuable asset had you not been able to find something.
At least now, with the auto tranny, you have an extra hand for that "sammich" you always talked about.
Operating While Intoxicated
Blast from the past!!!
haha, just wanted to share some more....
I managed to get use out of my Class A... The Salvation Army location that I work at through the position out for a class A driver, and I got it. Over the last few weeks I've gone down to San Fran to pick up a few new trailers, and starting this week I'll be moving the trailers to a donation site down the road for the weekends.. It nice, did forget how to drive a little, but after 10-15 min of it, It came back... grounded me up some good gears though... Missed a few too... (mostly going up hill) HAHAH but it was fun. It's nice being behind the wheel... Did forget how to backup though, go so use to left being left/right-right.... makes me miss OTR alot though. Hope to get back out there in the coming years. after the youngest kids leaves.... take the wife and dog and hit the road.... :)
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Hey that's cool man! Glad to hear things are going well for ya and you're getting a taste of the road these days. It doesn't take long to pick back up on the skills part of driving. You just need a few minutes where nobody is looking to get the hang of it again!
Hey that's cool man! Glad to hear things are going well for ya and you're getting a taste of the road these days. It doesn't take long to pick back up on the skills part of driving. You just need a few minutes where nobody is looking to get the hang of it again!
yea, exactly.. was really hard with everyone watching me. The way our docks set up, Im stuck doing blind side back up everytime... I've tried doing drivers side, but it just doesnt swing in good enough.
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hey to the those's I know, and hello to those I don't. I'ts been awhile since my last visit, I thought I'd give you all an update on my adventures...
where to start??? well first off it's been a year since I started school. (WHOAAAA!!!) yea Seams like yesterday I just started my adventure.... I can remember it faily well.. anyways with that said..
The last 1-2 months have been fun. I've been working locally as some my know, and its nice.. I really enjoy comming home, kicking the shoes off and being with the fam.. Though I do miss the driving of a big rig. I currently drive a 2013 KW with an auto tranny (miss the 10spd) and roughly 42Ft long.. (32foot box) and 12 ft high... The great thing about this job is I don't have to deal with log books, or weights... Truck is 1-Lb (One Pound) less the GVW to be a class A... I do driving, and loading of the truck. myself and a helper go out through town and collect donations from homes/business's. (I work with/for The Salvation Army)
Ive been meaning to write another blog on the adventure, but my sched been so busy since being home, I just haven't had the time yet.... I'll bounce in and out from time to time.
Good luck to you all that are starting your path, focus on the material that Brett has on the site, read his boook and take notes... First year is hard, be prepared to "Sit n' Wait"...
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.