Greetings my fellow Russian!
Эта звучит кабута ты не знаешь нечего как быть тракистом. Ты должен найти экспириенс переедем как ета делать. Если ты ета не знаешь зн ачит ета тебе не надо делать.
Greetings my fellow Russian!
Эта звучит кабута ты не знаешь нечего как быть тракистом. Ты должен найти экспириенс переедем как ета делать. Если ты ета не знаешь зн ачит ета тебе не надо делать.
Hey, I used Google Translate and here is what he just said:
This sounds Kabuto you do not know how to be nothing trakistom . You have to find the Experience will move as the ETA to do. If you do not know receptacle ETA ETA acit you do not have to do
Well, all I can say to that is Russian still sounds Greek to me.
Greetings my fellow Russian!
Эта звучит кабута ты не знаешь нечего как быть тракистом. Ты должен найти экспириенс переедем как ета делать. Если ты ета не знаешь зн ачит ета тебе не надо делать.
Hey, I used Google Translate and here is what he just said:
This sounds Kabuto you do not know how to be nothing trakistom . You have to find the Experience will move as the ETA to do. If you do not know receptacle ETA ETA acit you do not have to do
Well, all I can say to that is Russian still sounds Greek to me.
Silly Google! What I said was far more offensive. That's why I cover it up with the language barrier!
I used G/Translate and got:
It sounds as if you do not know how to be a tanker. You have to find the Experience will move as the ETA to do. If you do not know receptacle ETA ETA acit you do not have to do.
That "tanker" and "receptacle" may be offensive somewhere!
BTW, Brett, Trivia fact of the week: Russian Cyrilic is based on Greek!
I used G/Translate and got:
It sounds as if you do not know how to be a tanker. You have to find the Experience will move as the ETA to do. If you do not know receptacle ETA ETA acit you do not have to do.
That "tanker" and "receptacle" may be offensive somewhere!
BTW, Brett, Trivia fact of the week: Russian Cyrilic is based on Greek!
Sts. Cyril and Methodius, who were Greek, invented an alphabet based mainly on Greek (with a few Hebrew letters thrown in for certain sounds) for the Slavs in the 900s, if I remember correctly. Polish uses a Latin based alphabet to represent roughly the same sounds because Poland was in the Roman sphere of influence.
Who said college wouldn't pay off, huh?
Вот американский кантри песня на русском языке! Конвей Twitty поет "Привет Дорогая"
I just heard this today.
Zdahrovah guys! It mean Hello! I have the impression that this is not a forum cool truckers, and the Faculty of Philology at the University :) If my English is so bad the same as your Russian I am very ashamed.
Now for the problems. I have a huge experience of transportation. I'm a trucker and I know all the specifics of the work. I have no experience in the United States. Now, I am an independent agent of the shipping company, which is in the United States. The company makes the delivery services of containers from the US to Europe. I found this company to clients. I have access to a large database of orders from individuals who want to make the transportation within the United States. Due to the specifics of my company, focused on export container shipments, lost huge amount of customers. I want to find carriers in the United States that could carry out these orders. For transport companies it will be profitable. I am not a US citizen and therefore for me it is not necessary to pay taxes and insurance. I do not require a monthly payment, as an employee. All the money from the customer will receive the carrier and to give me a small percentage. The solid advantages! Give me some advice on how to find the independent contractors or small transport company?
Zdahrovah guys! It mean Hello! I have the impression that this is not a forum cool truckers, and the Faculty of Philology at the University :) If my English is so bad the same as your Russian I am very ashamed.
I used Google Translate. I hope it wasn't anything bad!
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Hello! I want to find a job as a "freight broker." I have a lot of free time and a lot of desire to help the owners find the shoe orders. Give me some advice on where best to give me such an announcement?