I stand by its better to be safe then sorry! AS I said before I do not know this for a fact!!! They will send you home on your own dime for not passing a drug test that is a fact.Swift as I have seen is the fastest way to become a solo driver most company's want you to be a team driver for a lot longer. You might like that but I would want to be solo as fast as I can. YouTube is the best way to learn the good and bad about a company. Just type in swift transportation there is so many people who have posted there experiment with the school thay went to.As I have Sean most people who started with swift are not with them any more most because of pay but a lot of them say it's a great starter company.
Tom C who should I try with getting my CDLS with those tickets
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Well if I was you I would call all of them you never know till you ask! CR England ,knight,crist,USA trucking,jb hunt,Tyson foods,Walmart all have schools and many more.your problem is the ticket you got in august it's so recent. It's not the company's but rather there insurance company's that make the rules. You don't have to go to a school to get your cdl .you can study go to the DMV get your permit then study the pre trip,how to shift gear and rent a truck for your skills test. I have two friends that went this way. One went to http://www.cdltesttruck.com/ to rent his truck two years ago it was 250.00. back then texas did not make you do a pre test but that change and now you have too.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
The state agency that handles everything related to your driver's licences, including testing, issuance, transfers, and revocation.
Pre trip I ment to say
Tom C. warns:
I am not trying to be negative {about Swift} I just don't want you to have a bad experience like many others have in the past.
Not trying to be negative? So recruiters will sign up anybody that they can? And the recruiter will keep their recruiting job because of quantity, who cares about quality?
Each company has their hiring standards as far as job history, tickets, etc. But even Swift has standards for candidates.
Your comment about buying your own ticket home is for people who, if I remember right, fail the drug test or such. If someone fails out, they get a ticket from Swift to get home. I saw that happen during my Swift classes. And this goes for most other companies, not just the ones your not too negative about.
I don't know why all these guys are more for swift then helping you out ? Well I do they are swift management !!! Things that are facts about swift there trucks only go 57mph some 63mph .They have installed cameras in there trucks to watch there drivers and they are going to start buying all automatic trucks because they have a problem keeping truck drivers.so if you can't drive stick you will have a much harder time finding a different job. What they are going to say no no no the cameras only come on for 20 seconds if you brake to hard or some thing worst. I will call BS on that! They will say automatics save on gas! Well why didn't they do this four years ago when gas prices where four times as much. THis is also why there trucks are so slow to save on gas. Swift is a good (STARTER) company but there is a reason thay train 200 new drivers a week because most leave. A buddy of mine got a 200 $ ticket from swift for eating chips why he was driving when the camera came on. They said it was a bump in the road that made the camera come on. Long story short he works for raven now.
I just want to get my training with someone who will train me with the two speeding tickets 15ovr I have . I'm a good worker I abide by the rules so cameras don't bother me do raven trucking train to get your cdls some one please give me some good advice
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Tom, you just wrote the biggest piece of Bull I've seen here recently.
I don't know why all these guys are more for swift then helping you out ? Well I do they are swift management !!!
Who are these people in "Swift management" here? I looked back, G-town and I are the only people talking details about Swift. I know I'm not management, I've driven for Swift for 7 months. Unless you have ways to find out, I bet neither G-town nor I are "Management" .
Things that are facts about swift there trucks only go 57mph some 63mph .
Swift trucks are governed at 63. This does save fuel. Not just Swift, I know Schneider's are also, it takes some doing to pass them.
Half Truth:
They have installed cameras in there trucks to watch there drivers
Cameras are there. The cameras face out front and to the cab. I'm not going into details here, search "driver cam" for all the forum flame. Other companies are also installing cameras.
they are going to start buying all automatic trucks because they have a problem keeping truck drivers.so if you can't drive stick you will have a much harder time finding a different job
All companies get as many drivers as they need, and they always need more. The automatics do save on fuel. You can look up here "automatic transmission" to know why the automatics weren't used do much till now. Your comment about "if you can't drive a stick" contradicts yourself.
Tom C., Company driver in training, with 10 posts so far, please keep with the main theme here: Trucking TRUTH. This time you have claimed real falsehoods as truth. This forum has had quite a discussion on some of these things and you come in wanting to contradict facts. Some of this is low-level employee paranoia, like the cameras. They are there for insurance and liability issues. Automatics are the transmissions of the future. 63mph saves enough fuel to make it worthwhile for a company that runs over 20,000 trucks daily.
The name of the site is tucking truth so I am being truthful as much as I can! Don't take my word for any thing google it look it up on YouTube or this site .I am giving you all the bad stuff so your aware that's all.Swift is no different then the rest they all have good and bad about them. Swift you will need 350 to 450 to take with you depending on witch school you want to go to just look at the trucking schools on this site they will tell you all about it. Swift dose give you room and bored but you have to by your own food for 4 to 5 weeks depending on how long it takes to get your mentor.Other companys will give you 200 a week why you are in school some do some don't once again just puting all I know out there.Now would I go to Swift school yes I would. Now the cameras will freak me out a bit and only going 63 on a road with a 75 mph speed limit with cars going around me every second will scare the hell out of me but I would suck it up.I am not a talker I always used my ears to learn good luck man .
what other company besides prime give u 200 a week tom c while in school training
The name of the site is tucking truth so I am being truthful as much as I can! Don't take my word for any thing google it look it up on YouTube or this site .I am giving you all the bad stuff so your aware that's all.Swift is no different then the rest they all have good and bad about them. Swift you will need 350 to 450 to take with you depending on witch school you want to go to just look at the trucking schools on this site they will tell you all about it. Swift dose give you room and bored but you have to by your own food for 4 to 5 weeks depending on how long it takes to get your mentor.Other companys will give you 200 a week why you are in school some do some don't once again just puting all I know out there.Now would I go to Swift school yes I would. Now the cameras will freak me out a bit and only going 63 on a road with a 75 mph speed limit with cars going around me every second will scare the hell out of me but I would suck it up.I am not a talker I always used my ears to learn good luck man .
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I stand by its better to be safe then sorry! AS I said before I do not know this for a fact!!! They will send you home on your own dime for not passing a drug test that is a fact.Swift as I have seen is the fastest way to become a solo driver most company's want you to be a team driver for a lot longer. You might like that but I would want to be solo as fast as I can. YouTube is the best way to learn the good and bad about a company. Just type in swift transportation there is so many people who have posted there experiment with the school thay went to.As I have Sean most people who started with swift are not with them any more most because of pay but a lot of them say it's a great starter company.