I've always heard people say we need to better educate drivers about tractor trailers so they'll drive more safely around em. Personally, I don't think it will do a bit of good. It's not that people don't know we have blind spots, or that we'll crush them like a bug, or that it takes us longer to stop, etc, etc. Everyone knows this and yet all day long four-wheelers will cut you off, jump in front of you and hit their brakes, pull out in front of you, ride in your blind spots, etc.
People make terrible decisions and they believe what they'd like to believe. They know they might get killed making some crazy move to get home sooner. They don't care. They think it won't happen to them. They think they're better drivers and won't make critical mistakes. They think a lot of things.
It's like people who eat terribly, never exercise, and have a small heart attack at 43 years old. Then they go on a health kick for a while, but eventually revert to their old ways. They knew they weren't healthy before and it could lead to serious problems. They didn't care. They knew after the heart attack that they wouldn't live long if they don't straighten up and so they do - for a brief period - and then revert back knowing they're going to die young. Why? I guess they don't care.
It's not that people don't understand tractor trailers. They just don't think anything will happen to them or they just don't care enough I guess.
I don't know what can be done about it, but I very much doubt it will change. Hasn't change in 20 years from my own experience and I'm sure people didn't just start driving poorly around rigs 20 years ago. Been doin it for as long as tires have been round.
Operating While Intoxicated
Hey Pebbles, use the "Link" button above the box you type into to insert links into your message
People don't realize what they are saying when they want freight to be shipped by train. Let's talk just about logistics. With the amount of cargo we transport by truck each day the train yards and I mean all train yards for each city that the trains go to would need to be the size of Los Angeles or New York and that is just the train car storage. None of the large cities I know of right now that have train yards have that much land available. Now the purpose of them saying they want trains to transport cargo is to get trucks off the road but the amount of cargo that would be at these city sized yards would need trucks to transport it through the city an therefore cause even greater truck traffic 100 times the amount they were trying to get rid of in the first place. These Super train yards would have to be able to handle millions of trailers a week and that's just for the east bound freight. Add in the west bound freight and then the south bound freight and all the points in between and you have a logistics nightmare. Can't be done.
Yea I understand, but even if its a few people thats a few more than before. Thats just the way I see it.
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Our local news posted about a tractor trailer accident. One of the first reply's was "why dont webjust use trains" wtf I have been blasting stupid comments all morning. I posted your truckingtruth.com link. Told them if ya'll wanna understand more and learn go here and take the general knowledge test. I think all drivers should be required to take this even if you never touch a 18 wheeler in your life. I am extremely aggarvated with people today. Gggrrr..