how do you find out if you cdl training school and instructer are certified
Schools are certified by the PTDI - Professional Truck Driving Institute.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
There's really no such thing as certification for instructors and/or schools, at least in the sense of government approval. Courses taught by a community college would probably be the nearest thing. There are private certification companies like the PTDI, but many states don't have any schools that are PTDI certified and it's certainly not a requirement to be an instructor or operate a school. In the end, as long as you have a CDL of the type you are teaching, regardless of your level of experience, you are legally allowed to train students who have only a learner's permit.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
C.S. is right. There is no official certification for schools or instructors but schools generally do have to be licensed by their state.
One way to find out quickly if a school is legitimate or not is to ask them for a list of major companies that hire their students. Call some of these companies yourself from home to verify this. If major companies will hire from a particular school then you know they're legit and you can at least keep them up for consideration.
Take it a step further ask the companies that are on your list of potentials what schools they hire from and recruit from..Some schools might not give you an accurate list " well one time john got hired by "insert truck company name here" so we can say that they hire from us" When I was doing my homework on schools here some that were not on my radar at all were mentioned as the owners of the companies recommend them ....ultimately I went with the "best score" from my list of importance ,including cost, support, equipment, validity within the industry, proximity to me, communication of answers to my questions(how long ,how complete)
Also depending on where you are there might be other qualifications you can look for, for the school... In Ontario the recognized schools are under the Ministry of Education and certificates to validate that ...they are also the only ones that will be able to provide a receipt for tax purposes
Kentucky does have an instructor cdl-A. They have to take all the writtens, pretrip, basic skills, and road test as any applicant, but must score above a 90% on everything.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Also remember some companies will only hire out of certain schools.
Example: ABC Trucking might hire out of "A-Right Turn School" and "Overdriven School," but NOT out of "Big City C.C."
XYZ Trucking might hire out of "Big City," but NOT the other two.
So find a few companies, and ASK which schools they hire out of.
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how do you find out if you cdl training school and instructer are certified
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: