Brett's Book

Topic 11641 | Page 2

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Errol V.'s Comment
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One thing not discussed that I could find (I read the entire book today, it was THAT valuable) was parking on off-ramps. I see it done all the time, but is it legal? AND, my uncle quit trucking in the early 80's. He said one of the main problems was parking. How serious is it?

Parking has been a problem for quite a while - years. Freeway ramps are technically illegal, but if all the local stops are full, what are you supposed to do? Also the ramps are more dangerous, obviously. Actually, what you do is plan your own stops better.

Drivers who stop on ramps may be trying to squeeze the last minute out of their HOS , or they didn't plan right or at all and got desperate. Neither one is a good idea.


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Robert B. (The Dragon) ye's Comment
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Errol is right. Many companies have also adopted a "sitting duck" rule which makes it possible for you to be fired of caught violating it. Each company has their own version but the basic idea is the same, no onramps or offramps and if at a rest area, must be inside the rest area.

Bill R.'s Comment
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So, since parking has been a problem for YEARS, and now, on/off ramps (even at rest areas) is deemed unsafe (I probably agree), it seems that there is no pending solution. Anyone have any ideas? I understand the problem, a parked truck earns no one any money (aside from drivers being safe). What is a good solution? It also appears that a driver might have to stop earlier than necessary to be sure to earn a parking spot.

Brett Aquila's Comment
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What is a good solution?

I have a great solution but a lot of people doubt it would work. I say build an app where people can enter any parking locations they come across in their day to day travels. It would use your GPS location to figure out exactly where you're at. You take a picture (optional), you describe it quick like "abandoned factory on Main St" or "Giant empty stone lot behind Sam's Club" and boom - now everyone knows there's truck parking available there. It isn't documented in any truck stop or travel books. But we could document thousands of parking locations across the country that aren't in any books. I think it would be a really big deal. It would quickly make tens of thousands of new parking spots become available in no time.

Bill R.'s Comment
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The only problem with that idea, Brett, is that it requires active participation from drivers. It sounds like it might do well. Do you need someone who can do SDK work to create the app, or do you have someone working on it?

Brett Aquila's Comment
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Right, it's crowdsourced. No, I'm not working on it right now. I expect someday I'll do it but it's not high on the list right now.

∆_Danielsahn_∆'s Comment
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Right, it's crowdsourced. No, I'm not working on it right now. I expect someday I'll do it but it's not high on the list right now.

Seems to me, we have enough drivers here, that we could start gathering the needed information (destinations) ... Once the app is built, inpout the info from said thread, and we have a good starting point.

Bill R.'s Comment
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Right, it's crowdsourced. No, I'm not working on it right now. I expect someday I'll do it but it's not high on the list right now.


Seems to me, we have enough drivers here, that we could start gathering the needed information (destinations) ... Once the app is built, inpout the info from said thread, and we have a good starting point.

We are going to need someone to lead the data collection. Dan?

∆_Danielsahn_∆'s Comment
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Right, it's crowdsourced. No, I'm not working on it right now. I expect someday I'll do it but it's not high on the list right now.



Seems to me, we have enough drivers here, that we could start gathering the needed information (destinations) ... Once the app is built, inpout the info from said thread, and we have a good starting point.


We are going to need someone to lead the data collection. Dan?

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I am definitely game. Plus it gives me a good reason to get out of the house. lol

Any particular parameters? Lot size, poterntial security issues, road restrictions, proximity to food/bathrooms? (Pee/Poo jugs don't count!)

Bill R.'s Comment
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I guess first, we need a list of parameters. Are there more than you listed?

1.) size 2.) number available 3.) road restrictions 4.) bathrooms 5.) road restrictions 6.) wifi ? 7.) restaurant ? 8.) fuel ? 9.) hours ?

Is that all?

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