I'm with you...I read before I go to sleep. And I refuse to read a book that is a romance/"blouse ripper". I hate those books !!! Since I don't have a house full of kids (scarey thought, that)I have my "fur kids" a dog, cats, chickens etc. But I also have outside interests when I'm off the truck. I have a Harley, and I belong to a Christian Motorcycle Association. We do alot of rides, campouts, runs, and stuff. I'm also a commissioner on our local water board (not my idea of fun). So i'm pretty busy when I'm home. Being busy is a plus, as it helps time pass quickly. I don't have alot of friends...I have a few good friends, and alot of acquaintences. You will find that being a trucker, or a truckers wife, people just don't understand you, or the life style. And you will eventually narrow your true friends down to a group that takes the time to understand you. Its an eye opening experience when you hear from a person who you THOUGHT was a good friend, and you get their opinion of truckers...its sad sometimes.
O wow you do stay busy. My dad is in a biker club in Clarksville tn. They are called Bikers who care. Good bunch of guys and gals. Spend all year coming up with money for a camp for sick and disabled kids. They provide doctors and nurses and staff. Its great.
Shoot, after an ended relationship, I already know lonely, so I will do lonely on the road and get paid for it until things are better. At least that is doing something productive, lol! I plan on starting school (thinking Central Refrigerated) mid to late April. I currently live in Kentucky but will relocate a little more south, Alabama, Tenn, or Georgia maybe....
Shoot, after an ended relationship, I already know lonely, so I will do lonely on the road and get paid for it until things are better. At least that is doing something productive, lol! I plan on starting school (thinking Central Refrigerated) mid to late April. I currently live in Kentucky but will relocate a little more south, Alabama, Tenn, or Georgia maybe....
I think Central ref is a good place to go. I almost went there. I get failed marrage thing. Only I got use to the lonelyness before cuz I was a trucker wife for 11 yrs, I may know it, but I never get use to it. I have learned to manage it. You live in kentucky I do too.
Shoot, after an ended relationship, I already know lonely, so I will do lonely on the road and get paid for it until things are better. At least that is doing something productive, lol! I plan on starting school (thinking Central Refrigerated) mid to late April. I currently live in Kentucky but will relocate a little more south, Alabama, Tenn, or Georgia maybe....
I think Central ref is a good place to go. I almost went there. I get failed marrage thing. Only I got use to the lonelyness before cuz I was a trucker wife for 11 yrs, I may know it, but I never get use to it. I have learned to manage it. You live in kentucky I do too.
Yes southeast Ky about 2 hrs away from winchester! Hopefully things will get better for both of us! Mabe we will even see eachothe on the road, lol. Good luck with truck driving!
Its great to form friendships in trucking...especially ladies, since we are beset with a totally different situation.....and guys may think they know what we mean about that....but they will never really get it. I've often thought that the guy should carry and pop out the 2nd kid.....but then we'd all be only children .
I'm glad you ladies are here on this forum. I post alot on the other forum, but this one is my baby, so I"m gonna think up ways of getting more ladies in here!! I'm hoping that those drivers who have wives will tell their wives to come on here. In the long run, for new "whiteline widows" a forum can really help them to learn and handle the lifestyle....
If you have any ideas....spit em out...we'll give em a go....
Its funny I just posted about this in my update this morning. I didn't even know about the ladies forum til Brett told me. I'm also becoming lonely on the road. I'm not looking to bed hop lol even though that would be plenty enough easy. I guess 2 things I miss about being in a relationship is conversation and "relations". The later is the hardest! Lol Now being a trucker what do you do about all tthat?
Ya know...its no different for the white line widows...except they have kids to take up their time....and I couldn't do that...so my hat's off to all the moms at home, keepin' the home fires burning while their men are out of the road makin' a living. trying to keep a relationship alive on the road has got to be a really hard row to how. But even worse, trying to FIND a relationship while your a driver.....wow. Most women don't understand the cry of the highway siren that only their truckers can hear. And I don't think a man who doesn't drive truck would understand a woman that hears it....I have some friends that they both drive...different trucks.!! Now that has to be a nightmare for logistics...tryin to end up in the same place to get a little face time with your spouse. I have seen some trucker sites that have a forum for guys and ladies who are looking for others in the same boat. But that would be a crap shoot for sure....
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I know alot of you have husbands out there and not with you. Its gets lonely. I remember!! How do you occupy your time? I have kids so they need non stop attention that helped when the lonelyness creeps up during the day. Some people cook, clean, find crafts, read books. Now that was what I would do at night when I would go to bed alone! I would disapear into a good book. It would help me forget long enough that I would fall asleep.
Substance Abuse Professional
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.