Yup....I just knew someone would bring BOB to the party
Omg *covers eyes* lmao i cant read this stuf f. Ha! Bob
I am shocked!!! *note to self* Find me a a BOB
Wow, this is REAL conversation in here. So, it looks like all the ladies in this thread are single? Probably hard to meet a quality man from a semi truck!
Really that's the last thing I'm even thinking about right now but, I'm sure at some point it will present itself. I've seen a lot of trucks parked very close in off the beaten path areas and wondered ... what they're up to? lol
So, what did you ladies do before you became truckers? What brought you into the business? I used to be a heavy equipment operator many moons ago, quit that to raise my two sons (both grown and independent men) and spoil my then husband. When my kids were older I went into management for many years until I was laid off in 2009. I've not been able to find a job that paid as well since.
I divorced last September after a two year seperation so, I now have my CDL license and I'm ready to try and make some money again. Life is really good and I sure hope I have no regrets about this lifestyle choice. Oh, and I intend on continuing my education via the internet while on the road. Figured I can take at least one course per semester until I figure out if more would be doable.
It would be cool to establish some trucker friends. I know I'll miss my girlfriends from home and I'll need to have some new ones who relate to this new career choice. :)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
Even not on the road it can be a crap shoot.
I'm going to email you my cell phone#. Class ends at 5 and I'm usually in bed by 9 so call me in the evenings. I'll talk to you anytime.
As far as "relations" don't forget Bob. You know, your Battery Operated Boyfriend.
I've been divorced 12 years and Bob has been one of my best friends!
LOL! He is a good friend to have indeed!!
THAT'S IT...no more lurking around on this page for me...
THAT'S IT...no more lurking around on this page
for me...
Eeek, it's pretty naive to think men couldn't read this isn't it? So, it's like Vegas in here Guy. What happens in Vegas stays in ...
Hey Kayakngal...I am like you just ended a whirlwind romance. I reconnected via facebook with a guy I went to highschool with. I had a huge crush on him then. We started talking and I fell for him really hard, he too is a truck driver. Our plans were to team drive after I got my CDL's but after my last visit he dropped me like a hot potato! We were in a relationship for about 6 months. Anyway, I taught school for 10 years and made a decision to quit and open a restaurant. We (my daughter, son in law) had it for a little over three years. We open in 08, just the beginning of the economical crisis! I am currently working at the DCBS office as an employment specialist, I help people that are on public assistance find and maintain employment. I enjoy the people I work with and the job is ok, just doesn't pay much. I took out my retirement to open the restaurant with, lost it, sooooo I need a complete change. I feel like running away so I figured I would pursue this avenue, run and still get paid! I need to make a little nest egg for myself. The pay in this seems to be decent and with no overhead except what I eat on the road, and personal necessities (and a few just because items) the money will build up I hope. I am not interested in anyone or anything right now, just healing time. Anyway that is my story, sad.... Wonder what the odds are though of meeting Mr. Right on the road? Who knows, not looking for any one but ya never know. I had been divorced for many years when I met my just ended relatiohship. I have been hurt too many times it seems, This last break up was by far the hardest.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
I aint a hard copy holding driver yet, but I am one by heart. I was married to one for 11 yrs when he decided to look for newer, younger, and greener pastures. Funny thing is I am 34 and he is 43. I have wanted to drive for a long time, but it wasnt supose to happen till my kiss was grown. I was backed in a corner. Everything we have can only be sustained on truckers income. I tryed to find work, but I dont have a ged, and fast food wasnt even calling me back. Welfair only gave me a $135 to live on.so I didnt have time or funds to go to school. I need work and income now. So I got out of my depression bed after dropping 50lbs jumped up went to CR england school. I didnt get my cdls and there is a long reason, but I can do it. I didnt fail couse I couldnt. So now I am looking to go somewere else. O and I met my dad last year who turns out to be a trucker too. And my bff is one also. Thats about all I know besides being a stay at home wife/mother. Well when I was you younger I wanted to be a virologist. Not one that goes to hospital after hospital chasinthe flu. I wanted to travel and follow the big bad like ebola, and haunta stuff like that. But I quit school and followed a different path.
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles:
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Even not on the road it can be a crap shoot.
I'm going to email you my cell phone#. Class ends at 5 and I'm usually in bed by 9 so call me in the evenings. I'll talk to you anytime.
As far as "relations" don't forget Bob. You know, your Battery Operated Boyfriend.
I've been divorced 12 years and Bob has been one of my best friends!