The Lonely Times For Women Truck Drivers

Topic 118 | Page 5

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Starcar's Comment
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Pebbles, if you haveta do a cubicle job for awhile to save up the funds, don't think that you can't come in here......You are always gonna be one of the asphalt sisterhood... I've been married multiple times....for the longest time I think I had a sign on my forehead that read " all losers apply here" . But I learned one very valuable lesson. Women are healers, we think we can fix anything. So when we see a guy who is a mess, we think, Hey,,,,I can fix him right up, and then I'll have a great guy...WRONG. Most people who have problems generally like having them, and won't appreciate you fixing them. So look at relationships in this manner: THE PERSON YOU ARE WITH IS A DIRECT MIRROR IMAGE OF WHAT YOU THINK OF YOURSELF. You have to learn to love, appreciate, and value yourself before you can choose a person who will do the same. In other words, you are who your seen with!! I have pounded that into my granddaughters head for 15 yrs. She told me the other day that she's not going to marry a man who doesn't make as much money as she does !!! She's starting college next fall, to get her RN, then into the military, so she can get her masters in a specific field. I feel sorry for any guy who thinks that this blonde, silver eyed girl is gonna be a push over. She's learned how to live and love from me...She won't be easily fooled. The days of white knights riding up on beautiful horses is gone. We, as women have to learn to be self sufficient, and very picky about who we share our lives with.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

EngineeringMother's Comment
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Who wants a white knight? You just end up picking up after his white horse. rofl-3.gif

Very interesting thread, ladies. I love learning about all of you.

I went into the Air Force out of high school because I didn't know what I wanted to be and when I took the ASVAB aptitude test for the military I scored very high in electronics. Who knew? Anyway I learned to repair radar on Phantom Jets and when I got out continued in electronic repair. For many years I was a field service engineer, repairing things at the customer's site. I worked on medical equipment, lab equipment, precision balances and my favorite, pinball & video games, jukeboxes, pool tables and cigarette machines. I did that one in Denver and San Francisco. I knew every bar and restaurant in both those towns. Lots of strange characters there. Lots more on the road, too I'm thinking. Anyway met my ex husband while calibrating balances at Merck Pharmaceutical. Stay at home Mom for 8 years, left him, raised my two sons while re-entering the work force and have worked in a cube for the last 10 years. Yuck :P

Now they are off to college after each serving two year missions that start this fall so I said I'm not staying home by myself, I'm leaving too!

Believe it or not, I used to be terribly shy and self conscious. The Air Force cured me of that and life kept me cured. Star, I like what you said about who you're with reflects who you are. I am trying to become the person I want to be with. If that means I'm by myself well at least I'll like the company.

I've also heard it said that men are just desserts. YOU are the banquet of your own life. A man is a nice treat but you can't live on just that. You must nourish yourself.

BTW I love meet up groups. I also ballroom and swing dance for fun and believe me it's a lot of fun. It's just a dance and everybody has a great time and they are all over the country. You better believe I'm taking my dancing shoes on the road with me.

See you out there ladies!


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
EngineeringMother's Comment
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I forgot to mention, I too am finishing up my degree. I've been taking one class at a time for the last six years. Building on the credits from the Air Force I am now about 20 credits shy of my Bachelor's degree. The remaining classes are all online and I will re-start that once I'm settled in this new life. I am going for a degree in Electro-Mechanical Engineering with a minor in BioMedical. My sons are each going for engineering degrees, one as a Mechanical and the other as a Civil Engineer. So you see where I got my username. smile.gif

FYI I will be 56 yr old next month. Don't ever say it's too late or you're too old. Live your life. Won't nobody else do it for you.

Starcar's Comment
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Its never to late to do anything in your life !! My bucket list isn't very long, but I'm glad I got to do everything I've done. I get asked, would you change it all if you could....Heck no !! Its been a fun ride.

kayakngal's Comment
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smile.gif Well Engineer you've had quite an interesting career path. The airforce was something I contemplated once too but, took a different path. It seems like you've done a good job raising two engineering men too. Kudos. I know there's nothing more precious to a mom than her sons or, kids in general. I too have two sons (both grown and doing well).

Oh and I would like to have a white night on a horse - it's just that I end up with a horse full of bull instead, giggle. So, I'll go off and drive that steel horse solo (yep stole it from BonJovi). It'll be an interesting time for sure. And afer reading the posts from the ladies who are already driving I think it's going to be an interesting career for certain.

Now there's an interesting topic Star. What is on your ladies bucket lists? That'll be fun to see if there are any similar interests amongst us - who knows where that could lead? So, do tell please :)

Special K, aka Kathy's Comment
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Thanks for all the support girls, it means a lot. I feel kinda stupid for letting this guy get to me. Kinda embarassing, but I'll live through it. Pebbles, I so hope you get to do this, you seem like a great gal and any truck company would be lucky to have you! Hang in there

Special K, aka Kathy's Comment
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dancing-banana.gif Hey Star, That is cool Asphalt Sisterhood, I would like to steal this for my cb handle Asphalt Sister! too cool Do any of you have any ideas for me? Kentucky Girl, Lucky in Kentucky, Asphalt Sister....Ideas please!

CB Handle:

This is the nickname people use on the CB

Starcar's Comment
member avatar are welcome to use that cb alter ego is medicinewoman...I dabble in the natural cures.... OK..I'm gonna do a topic for our bucket lists....

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