Someone once asked me this "test" question and I admit ... I failed:
"I'm hiring for a job and a man walks in with a Greenbay Packers tie pin. I tell him I hate that team and he doesn't get the job. Am I guilty of discrimination?"
The answer is no. Nevermind the Oxford English Dictionary definition of discrimination. The American Judicial System prosecutes for discrimination BASED ON sex, race, creed, etc. The fact that cameras were placed in some but not all trucks doesn't seem to fit these parameters. So Do Not go to your boss with the D word if you're not sure.
I knew a great guy who thought he'd been called a very nasty 6-letter word beginning with N, but he didn't check and he didn't hesitate to go to the top with it. Because Principal. Footage showed the supposed meanies talking about the damaged black plastic jars in their hands, using their native language, and not even looking at our nice black man until he turned with a gasp to stare at them. "Negra". I'm sorry to say that my black friend was fired that same day.
(To the tune of, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town")
Oh, you'd better not text, You'd better not eat, You'd better not masturbate in your seat, Driver cams are coming to trucks!
They see you when you're speeding, They know when you brake hard, They know when you are dozing off, So you'd better be on guard!
Oh, you'd better not belch, You'd better not sing, You'd better not fart cuz that's embarrassing, Driver cams are coming to trucks!
(Sorry RV, I'm not trying to poke fun at you in any way, just being silly and trying to lighten the mood!)
By the way, there may be cameras everywhere and all sorts of monitoring devices on phones, but clearly no one is watching or listening because things like San Bernardino still happen.
RebelliousVamp, I understand your desire for personal privacy. A 24/7 camera, combined with having to actually live in a truck might make you feel you're living in a fishbowl.
No Trucking company is interested in your personal life that way. No company is going to waste money & time with monitors watching you do your personal stuff on your off time. It's easy to disbelieve the company protestations that the camera only keeps 10 seconds at a time, but that's how it is.
A while ago I watched a program about London's surveillance system. The interviewer traveled through London for a day, visiting shops and offices, took buses and taxis. Later in the surveillance office, the "watchers" reproduced most of her day on video.
That doesn't happen here yet, but the days of personal privacy are evaporating.
The cameras are here, here to stay. As long as you feel you have nothing to hide, that you do your job in a professional manner, you don't need to worry.
The chances of your really personal stuff getting 1) caught on tape and 2) someone else seeing that are less than the chances of being struck by a meteor while you're watching Seinfeld reruns.
(Gee, I said I was just going to sit back and watch this time!)
SamTon wonders:
Errol does your camera stay on even after the key turns off?
The camera is always "on". But at any moment, the camera memory keeps only the last ten seconds. If an event happens - a serious bump or you brake hard, then that 10 seconds and the next are kept and sent to the office.
{10 sec. before} BUMP {10 sec. after}
Lol that was a GREAT song!! :)
So where is the person who started this whole thing?
What "whole thing"?
So where is the person who started this whole thing?
What "whole thing"?
I think he's asking about the original poster. I'll answer partially: if she claimed discrimination like RV did, then she's on the shank mare like some other poet laureate said. As someone who at times benefits from anti-discrimination laws, I will say that in my opinion the beneficiaries of these laws seem the very least likely to understand how they work. Bless us!
PS I'd like to add that maybe I was a bit too quick at using the word "discrimination", I don't give that word the same serious connotation as the actual law says. I should have used the word "unfair", for example. Regardless, I had not thought about the simple explanation of phasing in the cameras in all the trucks.
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Brett, simply understand this....we KNOW we are already watched everywhere we go. What we chose to post online, we did just that...we "chose" to post it online, knowing too well it will no longer be private. I'm talking about what I guess I could call "personal physical/body privacy" where you don't have to worry so much about who's watching. If I was to drive a school bus, I wouldn't like the camera in my face, but whatever, at least I know I'm not stuck with it 24/7, never allowing me *any* privacy. Pulling the curtain of your cab blocks the camera? What about the microphone? Hell, sorry for my bluntness but what if you want to "take care of business" before you go to sleep? Do you want to take the chance of anyone hearing that? Again, some of you might not care, but personally, I do. Get off me, you *don't* have a right to my every single move, you already take that right wher ever I go while out in public, isn't that enough.
Hours Of Service
HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.OWI:
Operating While Intoxicated