Not sure who that pic was targeted for Pat... but if it was me,
No, it wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at the original poster. He's just telling him to ignore all that baloney.
Not sure who that pic was targeted for Pat... but if it was me,No, it wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at the original poster. He's just telling him to ignore all that baloney.
I had a feeling, just covering my bases. I'm not a violent person... but I also won't take something like that haha. I imagine in the old days you'd be getting off easy if all you got was a tire thumper to the head.
Not sure who that pic was targeted for Pat... but if it was me,No, it wasn't aimed at you. That was aimed at the original poster. He's just telling him to ignore all that baloney.
Don't get so backed up about things. Not every response immediately after yours on the internet is in response to you. This could apply to you too but it was intended for the original poster.
Paul W wrote:
I know this has been brought up before, but I'm bringing it up again. I've just barely made it out of orientation and I'm already sick and tired of all the negativity. Especially when it comes to certain trucking companies. I happened to choose Swift because they offered the pay, opportunities, and home time I was looking for. But I can't believe just how negative people are about Swift! Just because they're Swift. A lot of times that's all you hear. Swift sucks!! They don't even give a good reason--just that Swift Sucks!!! How in the heck do you guys deal with it?
Like all the others have said, ignore it. Walk away...don't engage because you are playing right into their enjoyment. Like wrestling with a pig in the mud, you will quickly learn that; the pig actually enjoys it.
Since Swift hires thousands of new drivers annually, they also fire thousands of drivers annually. I see it every day. At least where I work, they are very strict on safety, alcohol use, conduct, PTA accountability, and compliance with HOS rules. 99 times out of 100 the biggest complainers are (for instance) the guy they "fired" for dropping his loaded trailer in the yard, 20 minutes after the safety director finished instructing on "how-to" ensure and check that your fifth-wheel king-pin lock is engaged. True story, happened last week.
I walk around with a serious look I call my "game face", no one has ever mocked me for being a Swift driver. CB? A different story, but I still ignore them.
And as far as the driver who claimed Swift didn't teach him how to back, that's ridiculous and a bold faced lie. When in road-training they require at least 40 documented backing maneuvers that are confirmed by issuing a free-form macro text of GOAL. Less than 40? You don't pass. He was fulla-bulla...what a goof.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
I should probably clear something up.I wasnt part of those that did that to J.B. Hunt drivers. I was using that as an example of what company back in the day that was targeted by immature people,( I wont call them drivers cause real drivers dont do that crap to other drivers). So like many other drivers stated you gotta ignore all the negativity, check your equipment, be safe, and like I allways say Have Fun.
And as far as the driver who claimed Swift didn't teach him how to back, that's ridiculous and a bold faced lie. When in road-training they require at least 40 documented backing maneuvers that are confirmed by issuing a free-form macro text of GOAL. Less than 40? You don't pass. He was fulla-bulla...what a goof.
Thanks G-Town, I think you really hit the nail on the head here. It's not all the dumb memes and the stupid jokes people make about Swift or any other company that bother me. It's the lies. I wish people would just grow up and admit they made a mistake or didn't know how to do something. Oh well, I'll get over it... :)
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With you on this one Phox! If someone was retarded enough to mess with my truck like that, I would be livid as hell! I have no tolerance for sabotage that endangers people's lives, it is downright moronic.