I have been driving for 5 years in the oil field so bad sleep and eat what I could because I was running mad hours.... I have gained like 75 pounds so I weigh around 300 pounds and that's not good. Now I am running for a regional /otr company so I get sleep at night or day. I need help or advice on what I should keep in truck to eat and snack on. I do not have a refrigerator or cooler yet so it might make things harder.... But any advice is grateful and appriciated. I just don't know what is good foods and bad but I know candy and fast food is bad stuff and I seldom drink coffee but I do drink one or 2 soda a day.
Walmart sells packages of tuna. They keep for a long time, and they are healthy. Answer this..... When is the last time you drank something and had it sustain you ? Sure, you will get full, but it won't sustain that feeling. You'll get hungry again in a short time, and you'll be looking for something to fill that void. So in the case of "Muscle Milk", you just drank a couple hundred calories. Now your hungry again.....
In the case of Tuna, you can throw in some mustard and, or some Tabasco. Both of which don't need refrigeration. Ditch the sodas ! When you're in Walmart getting the above tuna, stop by the drinks isle and get the Milos. You can get the knock off brand and they are just as good. Stock up on bottled water, and away you go. Stay away from the peanuts.. Yes, they are healthy but since your trying to lose weight, you want to stay away from the fat. If you find yourself at a restaurant for breakfast, eat egg whites.
Usually refers to a driver hauling freight within one particular region of the country. You might be in the "Southeast Regional Division" or "Midwest Regional". Regional route drivers often get home on the weekends which is one of the main appeals for this type of route.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
Wheat bread instead of white bread, preferably multi grain or whole grain. As SamTom said, lots of nuts, although she left out almonds. I am an almond fanatic, and prefer almond milk over regular milk, but that can be a little pricey. But mostly, I eat A LOT of chicken, and vegetables. I have seen some great frozen chicken meals that are pretty healthy, overall. Just gotta watch the sodium content.
YES D I knew I was forgetting one !! Almond is a definite "go to" If you can get in bulk even will save more money. Almond butter, cheese and crackers if you have a small fridge. I had actually thought if I stopped somewhere and got a rotisserie chicken and you can eat on it for a few days and just add sides like rice/ potato or salad. My mom got us the Road Pro stove cooker that runs off lighter. Reviews are great and that you can throw something in it and let it cook while driving and then it is ready for you and you can use it to reheat food. Seriously thinking of using it and eliminating microwave alltogether
Wheat bread instead of white bread, preferably multi grain or whole grain. As SamTom said, lots of nuts, although she left out almonds. I am an almond fanatic, and prefer almond milk over regular milk, but that can be a little pricey. But mostly, I eat A LOT of chicken, and vegetables. I have seen some great frozen chicken meals that are pretty healthy, overall. Just gotta watch the sodium content.
YES D I knew I was forgetting one !! Almond is a definite "go to" If you can get in bulk even will save more money. Almond butter, cheese and crackers if you have a small fridge. I had actually thought if I stopped somewhere and got a rotisserie chicken and you can eat on it for a few days and just add sides like rice/ potato or salad. My mom got us the Road Pro stove cooker that runs off lighter. Reviews are great and that you can throw something in it and let it cook while driving and then it is ready for you and you can use it to reheat food. Seriously thinking of using it and eliminating microwave alltogether
I saw that road pro, it looks like it would be a good thing to have on the road.
...Stay away from the peanuts.. Yes, they are healthy but since your trying to lose weight, you want to stay away from the fat.
Honey roasted peanuts are my downfall, that, and Peter Pan peanut butter.
But Diver Driver is correct, they do not aid in weight loss. I have even had to ration my peanut butter intake, to help my blood sugar levels. Peter Pan's stock dipped when I started rationing my intake. Amazingly I even shed a few more pounds.
There are many options to eat healthy, and mixed with a modest exercise plan, you will shed that spare tire in no time.
Stay safe
If you aren't diabetic you could consider soylent or any other version of full nutritious meal replacement drinks.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
*shake my head* MuscleMilk, SlimFast and all that crap isn't good for your body. If you want a meal replacement shake, go to a grocery such as WholeFoods and get yourself a big container of organic, vegan meal replacement powder, such as Vega One. Get yourself a Magic Bullet (no, it's not a vibrator) and use almond milk instead of regular milk (and it taste good), throw in a banana and a spoonful of peanut butter. Blend, enjoy. If you can't have a magic bullet, get a shaker cup, put your liquid and powder, mix well and drink it, eat your banana on the side.
Canned tuna is good. Hummus on whole grain crackers. Fruits, veggies. If you NEED snacks, go for pretzels and popcorn, instead of cookies and candies. Stay away from sugar replacements crap (Splenda, etc) and instead use honey or maple syrup.
Lots of water, slice some lemon wedges and squeeze one in your bottle. Tea sweeten with honey.
PS I am not vegan or vegetarian, btw. I do love cow milk and meat. But those vegan shakes they sell at WholeFoods are good. The very best is from Beach Body, meal replacement called Shakeology, but it's so expensive!
Oh I forgot....CAREFUL with too much nuts! Constipation is no fun.
If you aren't diabetic you could consider soylent or any other version of full nutritious meal replacement drinks.
Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
Man I thought the exact same thing. Lol
All the drinks are going to do is keep you alive as someone else has said. Good things to snack on are things like apples, carrots, celery etc. You could even start out with a small cooler that you probably already have at home and use ice.
I don't worry about the calories or fats in most stuff. What I like to check for is how refined are the ingredients. For instance, I would take something made with sugar over something with high fructose corn syrup. Personally now I would not buy something with HFCS in it as there have been studies that indicate that somehow the HFCS represses the trigger that tells you that you are full. If you want to eat a burger and make it healthier, go ahead, just kick it off the bun.
You can eat all kinds of stuff but there are 2 things to look at..... 1. Moderation. This is the key to all eating, moderate amounts of everything instead of lots of one thing. Except celery, eat all you want of this as all it does is help everything move along to the exit. I know you have heard the phrase.... Too much of a good thing! 2. Refinement. The further a food is from it's natural state the worse it is for you. I believe that corn syrup is better for you than high fructose corn syrup. I tell people that HFCS come the part of the corn that you see the day after the meal. You know the part your body cannot digest.
Have an issue with liking bread? try switching to tortillias instead. But be careful, just because something looks smaller does not mean it is necessarily better for you.
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Is it strange for me to hope I could actually start to lose some weight when I go out? I will be flat bed and hope it keeps me more active then reefer.
I also intend to drink plenty of water, although I need to add some flavor to it.
A refrigerated trailer.