Your e-log system will email your logs somewhere for you. The feature is not easy to find, but if you email logs at the end of your "day" each day, and the final logs turn out different, you have proof of a problem.
To get a copy of your logs from a Qualcomm , go to Hours of Service, open the 8-Days tab. In the bottom right, open the Fax/ Email button, enter your email.
If your mentor is taking shortcuts (writing in your backing experiences, etc.), it's hurting you. It's a whistleblower thing, but you need to let the training people know.
What do you mean the final logs turn out different? Different than what? Are you saying to email them before I approve them or just compare them to my paper logs?
Your e-log system will email your logs somewhere for you. The feature is not easy to find, but if you email logs at the end of your "day" each day, and the final logs turn out different, you have proof of a problem.
To get a copy of your logs from a Qualcomm , go to Hours of Service, open the 8-Days tab. In the bottom right, open the Fax/ Email button, enter your email.
If your mentor is taking shortcuts (writing in your backing experiences, etc.), it's hurting you. It's a whistleblower thing, but you need to let the training people know.
What do you mean the final logs turn out different? Different than what? Are you saying to email them before I approve them or just compare them to my paper logs?
Paul asks:
What do you mean the final logs turn out different? Different than what? Are you saying to email them before I approve them or just compare them to my paper logs?
First, Brett said the thing you want to do is get another mentor and move on. Do that. As for the email thing, my suggestion was to take a moment to ask for the email sent to your personal email account. You get a file that has all 8 days required to show a DOT officer. So you have a snapshot of what you just did that day (plus the other 7 days). Later if your mentor edits your files, you cna ask for another log email (they're free) and compare them.
BTW, once you change from driving to another activity on the elog , you cannot change the driving time - it's locked. You can change "On Duty Not Driving" to "Off Duty", but the driving time is set for all time.
Electronic Logbook
A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Thanks Errol and Brett. I talked to my driver development coordinator this morning and it went fine. He is actually based up here in Salt Lake so I got to talk to him in person. I was afraid I was going to have to write a statement since that's what they told us in orientation, but I didn't have to. I just said we had really different personalities. He said that was totally normal, happens all the time, and assigned me a new mentor. We're supposed to leave tonight. I've already got my fifty hours so we are supposedly going team right away. Thanks again for the advice. That went really smoothly.
Just a quick update. They sent me out with my new mentor that same day and, man, what an improvement. This mentor is really professional and takes driving and mentoring seriously! He also happens to be getting really good miles too, which I'm sure is just coincidence but really works out in my favor. He thinks I'll be done with training about 2.5 weeks
Just a quick update. They sent me out with my new mentor that same day and, man, what an improvement. This mentor is really professional and takes driving and mentoring seriously! He also happens to be getting really good miles too, which I'm sure is just coincidence but really works out in my favor. He thinks I'll be done with training about 2.5 weeks
Great news, good luck!
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Thanks Brett. I think I'm going to just tell them we had totally different personalities and approaches to the job, and it caused some logistical issues along the way like me not getting nearly as many hours of drive time as I could have (which is true). Since I'm sitting at a terminal right now, yesterday I decided to go out to the smoking area and start asking questions since there's always conversations to be had there. It turns out my experience with my trainer was about average. Apparently it's very common for trainers to drive on their students' clocks. Although I don't really think there's any good reason for it, I agree it doesn't really seem like a good enough reason to throw my trainer under the bus, so to speak. The texting/driving thing still kinda bothers me but I don't really know how to bring it up right now so I might wait til later like you said.
I was relieved that I think every person I talked to agreed I did the right thing by getting off the truck. The general consensus was, if we're not getting along now, how are we going to be getting along 2 or 3 weeks down the road?? People switch trainers all the time, and it shouldn't be too big of a deal. I'll just make an extra effort to get along with whoever I get next and try to listen more.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.