If I told y'all everything that he does or has done you'd be blown away that the company I drive for still employs him.
I want to be blown away! Tell us!
I know, right? Please tell us. We must live it through you!!
Popcorn, anyone?
If you have the time, it might be very educational and therefore helpful for others to hear from you, how bad it can be. If you're not up for going into detail, that's ok.
We're here to help; not be entertained by your misfortune. Sorry you're in a bad spot. This is very stressful.
Until you can do something about it, focus on your best driving skills so you don't get into an accident, yourself, k? Be aware that duress can cause little mistakes. Believe me. I know this. Focus on YOU right now.
Also, check the EEOC website for assistance in finding out your rights before you make a complaint. You are in a compromised position by another person's behavior. That site will help you know where you stand in the workplace. Remember, emphasize safety first in your presentation.
Be safe.
-mountain girl
If I told y'all everything that he does or has done you'd be blown away that the company I drive for still employs him.
I want to be blown away! Tell us!
Ok here we go, let's start with the minor stuff ( not actually minor, but to the last thing......yep minor). Since I started teaming with him September 8th of last year.
1. We were pulled while I was driving in Maine for a random inspection in which he confronted the HWP officer saying that he had to have a reason for pulling us over that he couldn't just pull us over for a random inspecting, he was asked by the officer to keep quite that he wasn't driving and that his discussion was with myself the actual driver of the truck. Yet he continued to mouth off and be a real smarta$$ to the officer.
2. Same thing again in OH expect this time the officer told him that he needed to sit down in his seat two different times and keep his mouth shut. He actually listened this time cause he could tell the officer was getting ****ed. My elog was acting up so I was asked to sit in the officers vehicle while he found out what he should do from his supervisor. The officer said to me that if he had of said one more thing to him he would have put us both OOS for 10. I did get put OOS for 10 cause I had no paper log to back up my elog.
3. He got ticketed for not paying a toll on OK when the officer went to explain the ticket to him, he yanked the ticket out of his hand to which the officer said sir by law I have to explain this ticket to you, so my co- driver just dropped the ticket on the ground.
4. The grand finale lol. Before I was hired on while he was in GA he was pulled for inspection and the officer smelled something odd........hmmmm yep you guessed it marijuana, got busted for possession, hauled to jail, truck got towed and impounded. Got sent for a drug test by the company when he got back to TN and because he passed it ( not sure how in the hell he pulled that off) they did nothing to him other than make him pay all the costs involved in getting the truck out and back to TN.
I'm sure after this everyone will think what the hell kinda company do I work for and you're right they don't have very high standards but since I did make one bad decision back almost 3 years ago and have a reckless driving on my record it's all I can find for now. But rest assured today is my last day with him in the truck with me even if I have to quit and wait till my MVR clears up.
Electronic Logbook
A device which records the amount of time a vehicle has been driven. If the vehicle is not being driven, the operator will manually input whether or not he/she is on duty or not.
An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
I'm sure after this everyone will think what the hell kinda company do I work for and you're right they don't have very high standards but since I did make one bad decision back almost 3 years ago and have a reckless driving on my record it's all I can find for now. But rest assured today is my last day with him in the truck with me even if I have to quit and wait till my MVR clears up.
Earl- Thanks. What do you mean- wait till my MVR clears up? Will the reckless driving drop off your MVR? How long does it take?
An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.
No one can legally force or pressure you to break the law or drive in conditions that you decide are unsafe. If, by remaining in the truck with him, even for today, you feel you are unsafe, it is your responsibility to do something about it. If you, he, or someone is harmed because of this today, no one is going to care that you were "planning" on doing something about it later.
I can't tell another driver what to do. You have to decide how much you are willing to tolerate and how safe you feel but you have already gotten in trouble because of him.
If I felt he was doing something unsafe today, after all the injustice I personally have been through in the last year, I'd be pulling over and calling dispatch and saying, "nay-NAY. Not going to drive in unsafe conditions." That's me. You have to make that determination; I'm not there.
Document everything.
-mountain girl
I'm sure after this everyone will think what the hell kinda company do I work for and you're right they don't have very high standards but since I did make one bad decision back almost 3 years ago and have a reckless driving on my record it's all I can find for now. But rest assured today is my last day with him in the truck with me even if I have to quit and wait till my MVR clears up.
Earl- Thanks. What do you mean- wait till my MVR clears up? Will the reckless driving drop off your MVR? How long does it take?
In TN it's 3 years, if you check out trucking company requirements most want a DUI or reckless to be at least 5 years old or older but there seems to be quite a few that 3 years is ok.
An MVR is a report of your driving history, as reported from your state Department of Motor Vehicles. Information on this report may include Drivers License information, point history, violations, convictions, and license status on your driving record.
Driving Under the Influence
Mountain Girl thanks for your concern and all I have to do is make it from St Louis to Knoxville TN tonight and my dilemma will be over even if I have to quit, not gonna ruin my career over an idiot that cares nothing about laws ( this is his second possesion charge) had one as a taxi driver prior to driving a truck.
Earl J. ....I'd like to make sure you don't think that anyone on here is "making fun of your misfortune". I responded to the previous poster before me about the popcorn just to put in a little relaxing humor in an otherwise unfortunate situation that this has been for you. I try to deal with life's punches with a pinch of humor, it makes things easier. But that might be just me? Just wanted to make sure you'd know, because it's not my cup of tea to make fun of others troubles. :) I think you've seen from everyone else on here what is the right thing to do, and NOW. Don't wait, and find yourself saying "I should have taken care of this yesterday..."
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Hmmm that is one I'm not sure about... if I recall high road program here only talked about any booze in the system while you were on duty... I don't remember seeing anything about off duty. BUT there is always company policy still.. if the company says no booze in the truck ever (including in your blood) well then yeah you can't even drink off duty so long as you're going back in that truck within 4 hours per beer.
You know what's great... I don't like drinking... at all so it's not something I'm super worried about for myself haha. tried a sip of beer when I was like 13-14... damn near threw up the night before's meal it was so bad and ever since then I have had no desire to try it or anything other kinda booze again. So yeah no worries on my behalf
Commercial Driver's License (CDL)
A CDL is required to drive any of the following vehicles: