The airlines now have wifi, its 8 bucks for your flight so say 2-4 hours average. This is priced for businessmen who might need it and who make about 4+ times what a trucker makes. Your average joe trucker is not going to pay anything for using wifi. Since most already pay for cell phone hotspot data and smart phones. Now if you could find a way to make the trucking company pay for it as a driver perk, you would probably make a lot more money. But my feeling is that most truckers will simply see any per-hour price for wifi as being more than they can afford.
PS same here btw, xfinity wifi if available!
I agree, RV!
That's why I'm glad I bought a Laptop with a good antenna, because it can find the xfinity wifi, where available. In places where that does not exist, though, I'll simply tether it to my (oxymoron) smart phone (once I learn how to do that... I may be old, but I'm not beyond the ability to learn :-))
I just found out this starts tomorrow for anyone with ATT wireless that will have direct TV or UVERSE tv!! Like $100 unlimited everything for the first line.
WiFi should be free everywhere
Well then get busy! When you get it setup let us know. We'll give it a try.
I just found out this starts tomorrow for anyone with ATT wireless that will have direct TV or UVERSE tv!! Like $100 unlimited everything for the first line.
In the fine print (as always, right?) from AT&T's website:
Data Restrictions: After 22GB of data usage on a line in a bill cycle, AT&T may slow the data on that line during periods of network congestion for the remainder of that bill cycle.
Tethering and mobile hotspot use prohibited
WiFi should be free everywhere
Well then get busy! When you get it setup let us know. We'll give it a try.
Brett, it is possible. Communities are doing it everywhere. My hometown has free WiFi. Mentioned earlier, McDonald's, Starbucks, Wal-Mart etc. Have free WiFi for there customers. Why can't the big 3 truck stops offer free WiFi ? Yeah, I know Pilot/Flying J have it inside their establishments. Truck drivers spend a lot of money at truck stops. The least they can do for us is provide free high speed WiFi.
Even when the WiFi is free, it can be of such poor quality that it's almost useless. When you say that WiFi should be free, you are saying that access to the internet should be free, perhaps, but who will foot the bill? Phone calls have never been free, so I doubt that WiFi will break new ground. Yes, some communities do offer "free" WiFi, but trust me, someone is still footing the bill.
Maybe our new Powerball winner could be Mr. Free WiFi (or Ms.)
Even when the WiFi is free, it can be of such poor quality that it's almost useless. When you say that WiFi should be free, you are saying that access to the internet should be free, perhaps, but who will foot the bill? Phone calls have never been free, so I doubt that WiFi will break new ground. Yes, some communities do offer "free" WiFi, but trust me, someone is still footing the bill.
Maybe our new Powerball winner could be Mr. Free WiFi (or Ms.)
If I'm going to pay for WiFi at a truck stop it should be of better quality, otherwise, it is a lot cheaper paying for my own hotspot. $5 for 30 minutes of crappy service, no thanks
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PS same here btw, xfinity wifi if available!