Good morning everyone and Happy New Year.
Below was the catalyst for this thread going completely off the rails:
Ryan wrote this…
A longer trailer has the advantage of less tail swing (the opposite side of the trailer from the side on which the trailer tandems are pivoting) as a percentage of the overall length of the trailer. That's the only advantage of a longer trailer over a shorter one, when backing.
I replied with this…
Shorter trailers like 28' pups have no tail swing yet are more difficult (at first) to back than a longer wagon. I drive a 48' chip trailer with a fixed tandem , thus no tail swing at all.
This point is relative to placement of the tandems on a 53' trailer. Backing any length trailer is challenging for a new driver.
My reply was commentary, nothing more. Not harsh, not judgmental. Commentary I would have written regardless of who I was replying to. I’ve backed many thousands of times with all sizes of trailers in numerous scenarios. Instead of trying to learn from my reply and understand it, Ryan sh__s all over it. The above exchange is what triggered all this.
Ryan is the only member of this forum that would be offended by what I wrote. The only one…and basically took an otherwise excellent teaching thread, and wrecked it with a barrage of false accusations and character assignations directed at me.
All the “talking-to” with Ryan isn’t going to change his behavior. That is why I stated I was “done with him”. We are wasting far too much time and energy on one person who requires an elevated level of attention, respect and appreciation he has yet to earn. Give respect, get respect. We are wasting far too much time redirecting him on how to get along in here. Ryan cannot tolerate being wrong and has frequently belittled anyone opposing his opinion, even on subjects he hasn’t experienced (like being a moderator). I’ve honestly lost count at the number of his replies I deleted, that insulted other moderators (including you Chief) and members for pointing out his errors. Most of you have seen none of these smart ass, snarky replies. I have.
I’d like Brett to seriously consider deleting the bickering that ensued after my backing commentary. None of it belongs here. In lieu of that, everyone please let this go, leave it alone.
Thank you.
I agree that my response to the commentary by G-Town was too far based on taking it as a personal slight.
I disagree with some of the characterization of myself, but I am understanding of the reasons why G-Town has such a perspective of me. It's fair, so I won't go further on that. I was the beginning of the drama in this thread, and I would like to help put it to rest.
Klutch, you have a valid point, but there is an aspect of irony that you stoked the drama, to some degree, with your post of criticizing the drama.
BK, many of us love your humor, but I have learned that some people on the forum don't view humor randomly interjected into a thread topic as time worth spent. Understand that some people just have a more serious view of life in general. To people like this, your witty jokes come across as off-putting and childish. Keep the jokes alive, as you choose. Just understand why some may not appreciate the comic relief as well as others.
Be well, everyone.
A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".
A set of axles spaced close together, legally defined as more than 40 and less than 96 inches apart by the USDOT. Drivers tend to refer to the tandem axles on their trailer as just "tandems". You might hear a driver say, "I'm 400 pounds overweight on my tandems", referring to his trailer tandems, not his tractor tandems. Tractor tandems are generally just referred to as "drives" which is short for "drive axles".
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
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G-town often takes a lot of flack for his hard line approach to topics right or wrong. He's often singled out for picking on the bad eggs. But let me tell you that I too have had just about enough of Ryan B's tantrums.
G-Town writes:
100%. Ryan has such a huge need for recognition or to always be right that when countered with an opposing view he often redirects the focus to something "someone else" or "another moderator" said. This need to be right nearly always evolves into a tantrum. I usually choose not to engage in such things. If he feels the need for such validation in his life, so be it. But when it detracts from the true purpose of this forum or it's discussions, it becomes a problem, and we have to step in.
Same. I would have wagered I hold the high score for comments deleted from Ryan. In fact I'd even go so far as to say I've deleted more comments from Ryan alone then all of the other deleted comments combined (excluding spam). The point is moot, but it illustrates the quality of posts we moderators see that other members do not. We invite and encourage debate, arguments, diversity of opinions, and lively discussions. Unfortunately, he is also sometimes just an ass, taking on the childish air of a petulant school girl, and that serves no purpose. Left unchecked, what would this forum become?
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.