On a side note the 2nd shift security guard gave me permission to sleep there but 3rd shift guard didn't care.
Kicked 3 of us out.
Well in seven days that will roll off your log and be forgotten, so just don't get inspected this week.
It's at the discretion of the dot officer, it'd have to be a real hard ass to ticket you for that, and if you fought it in court you would likely win.
Different carriers look at things differently, Prime's logging dept works off a point system that is quite generous so I'd have to do this several times in a short period before I heard from them.
This kind of thing happens and you just do the best you can. I've gone thirty minutes over leaving a shipper because there was no safe parking nearby and they forced me to leave.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.
State and Federal DOT Officers are responsible for commercial vehicle enforcement. "The truck police" you could call them.
Thanks for the reply.
My FM didn't really care but said they would be calling company to get an explanation why they did that to us.
Got a long run the next couple days but will be running at night so hopefully that helps keep me under the radar.
So last night while sleeping I hear a banging on my door. Now I am at a customer and not a truck stop so I automatically assume it's another driver.
I get up and it is security telling me I have to go to another location to sleep.
I explain to him that my hours are expired but he wants no part in it and says I must relocate.
So I stay below 4th gear and creep the mile up the road to where he wants me to go but my pc starts going nuts for a violation.
In the remarks I put the comment "Forced to move" but I realize it doesn't matter.
My question is what is my punishment gonna be? How much is the fine and such?
Nate, check your log history. Even though it was alerting you of a violation you may have remained off-duty if you were not driving over 15mph and for less than 5 min. Depends how your QC or like device is configured and programmed.
Yes I checked it and it registered driving and on duty.
I made comment on log that I was forced to move. Not that it means anything.
My dm said if it's an emergency and I'm under a load, go off duty driving and in the remarks put moving to a safe place to stop.
My dm said if it's an emergency and I'm under a load, go off duty driving and in the remarks put moving to a safe place to stop.
Unfortunately what occurred to Nate at the shipper does not qualify as an emergency.
Your DM gave you questionable advice.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
My dm said if it's an emergency and I'm under a load, go off duty driving and in the remarks put moving to a safe place to stop.
Unfortunately what occurred to Nate at the shipper does not qualify as an emergency.
Your DM gave you questionable advice.
Still, Nathan was "forced" to move after he had started his 10 hour break - in good faith. And he went directly to another place close by.
But the QC clocks would probably be messed up.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
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My dm said if it's an emergency and I'm under a load, go off duty driving and in the remarks put moving to a safe place to stop.
Unfortunately what occurred to Nate at the shipper does not qualify as an emergency.
Your DM gave you questionable advice.
Still, Nathan was "forced" to move after he had started his 10 hour break - in good faith. And he went directly to another place close by.
But the QC clocks would probably be messed up.
True. Plus second shift security person gave him permission, third shift shooed him away.
The customer who is shipping the freight. This is where the driver will pick up a load and then deliver it to the receiver or consignee.
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So last night while sleeping I hear a banging on my door. Now I am at a customer and not a truck stop so I automatically assume it's another driver.
I get up and it is security telling me I have to go to another location to sleep.
I explain to him that my hours are expired but he wants no part in it and says I must relocate.
So I stay below 4th gear and creep the mile up the road to where he wants me to go but my pc starts going nuts for a violation.
In the remarks I put the comment "Forced to move" but I realize it doesn't matter.
My question is what is my punishment gonna be? How much is the fine and such?