Steve says,
719 miles from Crossett (SE Arkansas) to Franklin, OH
Safe Travels, Errol!
I posted this Monday, talking about last Friday. But thanks.
@BassPlaya, Didn't see any wildlife while I was on the forest, but I really enjoyed the drive.
Thanks Errol V for posting as you do. Very much appreciated. Any chance a guy can talk with ya about Swift?
Thanks Errol V for posting as you do. Very much appreciated. Any chance a guy can talk with ya about Swift?
Sure. If it's general stuff, post on general discussions. If it's something more private just send a PM.
To PM: touch on a name to get to the profile page. Slide to the bottom where it asks if you want to send a private message. Ta-dah!
I hope it's not inappropriate for me to resurrect a thread this old but I just wanted to thank Errol for taking the time post this informative "week in the life" information. As someone on the outside of the trucking industry trying to gain a better understanding of the profession and all that it entails, this was a clear and well written outline of what to expect ref: times, miles, trips, etc. I wish there were a couple of these available for OTR drivers to give a better understanding of the specifics of that area of trucking.
Thanks Errol.
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
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Lots of Black Bears in them there woods, going through Ocala National Forest, I live just North of Ocala, and we go hunting out there, not for bears:)
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Dedicated Route:
A driver or carrier who transports cargo between regular, prescribed routes. Normally it means a driver will be dedicated to working for one particular customer like Walmart or Home Depot and they will only haul freight for that customer. You'll often hear drivers say something like, "I'm on the Walmart dedicated account."
Commercial trade, business, movement of goods or money, or transportation from one state to another, regulated by the Federal Department Of Transportation (DOT).