Bad Bob
Do they do any testing in an automatic. That's what I took my test in. Drove a 10 speed manual last time driving but it's been several years. I'm sure the 13 speed would be no problem, but I hate to be testing the first time I drive one. Looks like I'll be starting on the 19th. Can't wait. Happy to hear it's going well and you like the company. That's a huge plus
Hello Sam:
I don't know if they would test in an automatic. I do know they keep saying that soon everyone will have an automatic. Maybe talk to your recruiter about that. I was told that if you go out with a trainer that has an automatic then you will be issued an automatic truck right off the bat. I would love to get an auto- right off the bat but I will do whatever they want me to. I'm just rough at my shifting so an auto- would eliminate that. Of course I'm a little nervous about going with a trainer but the truth is I'm going to absorb everything from him that I can. Yeah, May does look like a great company. We could do a whole lot worse, that's for sure.
Take Care
Bad Bob
Hello Everybody:
This is just an update to everything that's been put over here:
Got back on Monday with my trainer. It was a good experience. Bradley is a good guy.
I polished my skills up and feel really confident about going out on my own tomorrow.
I do know that occasionally I will forget some of the company procedures even though we went over all of them, but that's bound to happen until everything is down to habit.
Yeah, life is good. Truck Driving is a good career.
Be Safe
Bad Bob
Hey Bad Bob when you get a minute I sent you a message with some questions. Hope you don't mind. Stay safe out there!
Hey Bad Bob when you get a minute I sent you a message with some questions. Hope you don't mind. Stay safe out there!
Hey Am:
When I am out on the road my access to email is extremely limited. If you want to send the questions again I will be looking for them. But if it's after 5/20/16 then I may not get them. Sorry but I never got the questions.
Take Care
Be Safe
Bad Bob
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Bad Bob
Do they do any testing in an automatic. That's what I took my test in. Drove a 10 speed manual last time driving but it's been several years. I'm sure the 13 speed would be no problem, but I hate to be testing the first time I drive one. Looks like I'll be starting on the 19th. Can't wait. Happy to hear it's going well and you like the company. That's a huge plus