Ah ok, I've been at the Lithia springs terminal in Georgia this week.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
Ah ok, I've been at the Lithia springs terminal in Georgia this week.
Hi there! So how long have you been driving for Werner? Any words of advice?
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
I've been with them for a year now. The best advice I can give is just work hard, get your loads there on time, don't complain when you get the occasional crappy load. Be the person your fleet manager can depend on to get stuff done and not the person who's calls he/she dreads.
When you have a good relationship with your fleet manager, they will take care of you.
I've been with them for a year now. The best advice I can give is just work hard, get your loads there on time, don't complain when you get the occasional crappy load. Be the person your fleet manager can depend on to get stuff done and not the person who's calls he/she dreads.
When you have a good relationship with your fleet manager, they will take care of you.
Great advice!! I'm confident we will do well. We aren't complainers and tend to roll with the program, understanding that crappy loads are part of the job.
I'm hoping it's just because of the holiday weekend but we have not been able to get a hold of the fleet manager. Have been on hold for over 45 mins on four separate attempts in the past two days. A little disconcerting!! Finally got myself logged in as a trainee on the Qualcomm today, so I know someone at headquarters is alive!! We will be ready to accept a load Monday so let's hope someone in our fleet support will answer the phone!! Lol
Your fleet manager usually won't work weekends, though they usually do a Saturday every so often. Dealing with the night and weekend people can be a real pain and it's not uncommon to have long hold times on nights and weekends because they run skeleton crews then. I try to avoid calling on weekends as much as possible.
Your fleet manager usually won't work weekends, though they usually do a Saturday every so often. Dealing with the night and weekend people can be a real pain and it's not uncommon to have long hold times on nights and weekends because they run skeleton crews then. I try to avoid calling on weekends as much as possible.
Good to know! Is that also true for the Qualcomm communications?
I'm in week5 of training at different company and the times we have used the Qualcomm on the weekend to get a load there has been a slower response time due to the weekend skeleton crew. It definitely faster on the weekdays when our assigned dispatcher is working.
Yes they are still slower to respond to the Qualcomm on weekends as well. If it is something important, you should use the Qualcomm anyway so you have everything in writing. Cya.
Well it's Friday and we have been assigned a truck!! A 2016 Freightliner Cascadia AT only has 47k miles on it .... And she's a beauty!! I'm a bit sad that my first experience as a " real" driver won't be a manual, I'm actually really good with the gears. However, my hubbys left hip will be thanking us profusely and I'm sure that creep mode will be much appreciated by us both in city traffic.
Norm is on his final day of train the trainer and should be released within the next couple hours. I'm about to start the " nesting" process and make Stormy a home. Yes, I've named our truck Stormy and there's a story behind it, which I'll save for another day!
We came to Orientation during Werners 60th anniversary celebrations and Driver appreciation week, and everyone is all smiles and helpfulness at the terminal. The hotel the trainees are placed into has recieved quite a bit of negative commentary from all that I have met who are staying there, which makes me grateful that we have been able to stay at my mom's!!! The room service is excellent!! And FREEE!!!!!
I was done with all my CBTs ( computer based training) on Monday, essentially done with orientation. So I was told to attend several classes, backing, pre trip inspection and pre trip planning, equipment, smith system.... All classes I need before I become a qualified driver anyway, so got those out of the way. I have numerous handouts and pamphlets covering everything from 401k, stock options to how to do a proper 90 backing and sexual harrassment. We have been fed breakfast and lunch up till Monday, then just lunch only.
Thus far my experience has been pleasant and enjoyable for the most part. Eager to see what the next phase brings......
You're training sounds a lot like mine, haha. I finished orientation yesterday, hopefully I found what's going on tomorrow.
A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.
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A facility where trucking companies operate out of, or their "home base" if you will. A lot of major companies have multiple terminals around the country which usually consist of the main office building, a drop lot for trailers, and sometimes a repair shop and wash facilities.