OMG, Old School that's priceless along with the other recommendations. I would also recommend a can of Raid (or equivalent) long range wasp and hornet spray. This has been called the poor man's mace and will immediately incapacitate an assailant if sprayed around the face. Will also repel bears, dogs and, of course, wasps and hornets. I also always carry a small LED flashlight that can be comfortably kept in a pocket and is very useful for pre trip inspections.
New trucker here, just wondering from all types of truckers with all types of experience what would be the top 10 things you absolutely have to have in your truck I'd like to get an idea of things I may have not thought of bringing. Now I understand it's kind of a novelty question because of course you need more then 10 things but I'd still like to know all y'alls opinions and just to clarify I'm not meaning necessities like gps, smart phone, clothes, toiletries etc... But just the other useful things needed
Microwave and keurig coffee machine and microwave proof containers...have to find right fridge that won't blow a 1200w inverter, anyone have an idea on fridge?
Bumping this one up again.
#10 really should have been #1, along with some Buck Owens.
10) A Merle Haggard C.D. - no self-respecting truck driver hits the road without taking the Mighty Merle along for the ride!
I am going to take a crack at this top ten list
cb radio
half a dozen work gloves, boots, heavy coat, stocking cap
cooler 12 volt
2 weeks of clean clothes
back pack for all your personal items to take to the shower (not a walmart bag)
2 weeks of food non perishable
small tool box with assorted small tools
a good phone with a good network with GOOGLE MAPS
lots of trash bags ... walmart bags are perfect
I know I added a few extras
#10 really should have been #1, along with some Buck Owens.
10) A Merle Haggard C.D. - no self-respecting truck driver hits the road without taking the Mighty Merle along for the ride!
just make sure it has "Ramblin' Fever" on it
All great lists. Heavy duty hand wipes (tub of towels), kitty litter & bleach can help you get unstuck from ice after a cold night, stop eating truck stop crap- get a crock pot!
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I agree with everything but number 10 I was forced to listen to country music as a child and I will never ever listen to it ever...even if I am in the middle of Texas and its the only station on the radio... I would sing to myself at that point.
Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager
The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.