Haha, I do tons of stuff unpaid for Prime that's not paid and I don't complain about it. I didn't complain about spending a week in the classroom to become a student driver instructor without pay, either.
But when you have a lease payment over a grand a week, it may not make sense to eat that payment without pay for a week to run a couple of students before your co-driver comes back.
Just realized the pay comment was probably at the guy up above that quit after 12 days, I somehow skipped that post.
I think it's fair to be compensated for your time, this is a job after all. A tough one too, that often entails 70+ hour weeks. You have to decide if the extra hours put in that aren't paid are worth the compensation you receive for driving. If you look at those extra things you do as built into the cpm or % pay you receive, it may change your perception.
People that push for other pay structures often don't consider that the pay probably wouldn't change much at all if we were hourly, or might even be less.
Drivers are often paid by the mile and it's given in cents per mile, or cpm.
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I agree with Stevo. I've never had a job where I didn't do at least some work for free. It shows that you are a dedicated employee and are willing to go above and beyond. At least to me anyway.
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