Saw this 2 Bed/1 Bath Pete at the Loves in Jasper, TN off I-24 a little while ago.
Another one! 2019 Peterbilt moving truck, "Bed Buger".
Okay, time for a few more I managed to get some pics of. Not the best through my windshield...
1st Pic..... Is that a Diamond Reo wrecker?
What year are these cars?
1st Pic..... Is that a Diamond Reo wrecker?
I can’t tell. Hopefully, G-Town will see this and have the answer for us.
PackRat has hope...
I can’t tell. Hopefully, G-Town will see this and have the answer for us.
Mid to late 60s Autocar, likely assembled in Exton Pa. There are similarities between Diamond Reo and Autocar cab bodies...
The below pic is roughly the same era as the first one in Pack Rats photo display, sans the “school bus” style sleeper cab.
Here is a Diamond Reo from the early 70s, easy to see the similarities.
I had the fortune of photographing hundreds of historic trucks...
Here is my favorite Autocar, mid 70s custom restoration...Bad Ass!
Here is a Wiki link to Autocar. It’s a great “Made In America Story” that depicts a company that has outlived any other US based truck manufacturer.
Thanks Pack Rat, you know I can’t resist old truck pictures.
Thanks for that information, G-Town!
Here’s one I spotted at a delivery I had three months ago in Ohio. Not a big rig, but I’m glad I didn’t have to learn the operation of it when I was training. This looks too complex for me!
Thanks for that information, G-Town!
Here’s one I spotted at a delivery I had three months ago in Ohio. Not a big rig, but I’m glad I didn’t have to learn the operation of it when I was training. This looks too complex for me!
I think it's a giant vacuum cleaner or a "honey dipper" on steroids...totally sucks either way.
That place manufactures cardboard boxes from recycled paper products. There was construction stuff everywhere that I asked the forklift operator about. This was the one that took me 34 minutes to do a blindside back in the dock, with 24 GOALs. Anyway, that guy told me they were in a month long project of cleaning out tanks used in the manufacturing process. It probably is a “Suck Truck” for their process.
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