I've seen plenty of box's around to drop a letter in if needed... Though, you can always ask the fuel desk or a manager if they know of a close one near by or if they have an out going box.
I've been to nearly twenty truck stops and not a single one had a blue mailbox... I don't trust the truckstop to mail my letters. I trust the post office too. All the truckstops tell me where the Postoffice is... How the beep am I going to get a semi into the post office parking lot?!
How often are you having to send mail? Is it personal letters or paying bills? If you are paying bills can you do it online to avoid this situation?
How often are you having to send mail? Is it personal letters or paying bills? If you are paying bills can you do it online to avoid this situation?
The link to his petition (which I've signed & would be happy to share on social media) says he's trying to send postcards to his daughter.
Good luck man!
Leave it up to the United States Post Office to decide to remove drop boxes from Truck Stops. Nobody ever goes to those places.
I worked the USPS for 18 years. The problem is that there is not enough demand to support the personnnel required to man the boxes. Alos.. many boxes are physically deteriorating.... most have been there for 20 plus years and are rusted or even have sharp edges which can hurt.
Most truckers are going to pay online or send email. Putting thw boxes would delay your mail piece cause they are going to say there is not enough mail to collect that box every day so they will do it once a week.
I would rather see them put in customer service windows. Allow me to pick up packages otr..... so if I know I'm going to TA in Gary indiana.... I could order from Amazon without a mailbox and pick it up. Or have my mom put all my mail in a box and send it to me cause I haven't been home in 2 mos. Sending things to wives and kids would be easier too. But usps is stupid. They wouldn't do that
OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.
I worked the USPS for 18 years. The problem is that there is not enough demand to support the personnnel required to man the boxes.
Here's a novel idea. Give the person that delivers the mail to the Truck Stop EVERY DAY, a key to the drop box. The Letter Carrier open the box, takes out the mail, puts it in his/her mail truck and takes it back to the Post Office! Oh Sorry..................................there is probably some Letter Carrier Union rule against that.
I just recently started seeing these Amazon locker locations popping up in my area. Basically you order something from amazon and have it shipped to a "locker" location that you know you are going to be near in the next few days and they deliver it there. I think it's actually a pretty good option as long as your intended schedule doesn't get changed to often. Apparently if you can't pick it up within 5 days of delivery, it gets sent back to Amazon and you get a full refund. I'm going to have to look into it a bit more myself but thought I might mention it.
Not mail box related but definitely handy for ordering from Amazon.
I think Amazon should take over the Post Office. I'm sure they could turn a profit, and provide Customer Service! Oh the inefficiencies in Government. Never mind...........................let's no get started on that!
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I have noticed that sending mail is a big issue at truck stops many of them the USPS just recently pulled their blue mailboxes from the locations.
I have decided to open a change.org petition to get us back our mailboxes!
I am also considering starting another petition to get congress to look at this bogus CSA scoring system and making us drivers guilty and having to prove our innocence even if we do the CSA doesn't have to adjust our scores! Which is a complete load of bull...
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA)
The CSA is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative to improve large truck and bus safety and ultimately reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities that are related to commercial motor vehicle