Glad all is well. Hope you heal up soon. Meanwhile, keep us wanna be's in line.
Brett, it is so funny that you said that - My wife and I were just discussing that very thing last night. We were saying how one day I will need a great story to tell my grand-kids why my face is slightly disfigured. Most of us have had some family member who was missing a finger or a toe and had a crazy story like "a crow bit it off" or something, and the kids just love to tell their friends about that relative! So, yeah that is on the agenda.
That's classic! Oh yeah, the grandkids will love it. And you seriously need to write a book of some sort. A book of many sorts, really. Philosophy, psychology, life in the business world, raising animals, living the travelling lifestyle, stories of the road, and a million things you haven't even mentioned I'm sure. A big book. Like for three months write down every story and lesson you can think of and by that point you'll have a book. Organize it into chapters and you're good to go. That would be an awesome read.
Can I preorder this book now?!? And autographed maybe?
Old School; if anyone asks, just say, "Bosnia", and let them form their own conclusions.
I'm still at home, but doing well and enjoying this little break from the road - my wife said today, "I can see it in your eyes - you are ready to get back out there."
I got a comical text from my dispatcher today. The two top tier drivers who are always nipping at my heels are a pair of brothers - the Williamson brothers. They are great guys who are hardworking individuals, and always willing to lend a hand if you need it - they're "old school" flat-bedders. The text said, "The Williamson brothers wanted me to send you a thank you note for all the great miles they are getting while you are down."
Glad the procedure went well and you are healing!
A girl leaves for a bit and all this happens! Im sorry OS that you have to experience this. The BIG C has plagued many close to me lately. Had a scare myself about a yr ago. Still monitoring the girly parts to ensure that it doesn't get worse. Looks like you have a pretty cool looking battle scar. Maybe you can tattoo a mike tyson design on there lol
A girl leaves for a bit and all this happens! Im sorry OS that you have to experience this. The BIG C has plagued many close to me lately. Had a scare myself about a yr ago. Still monitoring the girly parts to ensure that it doesn't get worse. Looks like you have a pretty cool looking battle scar. Maybe you can tattoo a mike tyson design on there lol
Man we thought those swamp guys in LA got you during Gator season... LOL Welcome back.
Hey Red Gator, great to hear from you!
Hahaha NEVER!
A girl leaves for a bit and all this happens! Im sorry OS that you have to experience this. The BIG C has plagued many close to me lately. Had a scare myself about a yr ago. Still monitoring the girly parts to ensure that it doesn't get worse. Looks like you have a pretty cool looking battle scar. Maybe you can tattoo a mike tyson design on there lol
Man we thought those swamp guys in LA got you during Gator season... LOL Welcome back.
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Glad to hear everything went well. My kids tell me that I have a Harry Potter scar on my forehead after my procedure. Of course I never seen Harry Potter, so I had to check it out and sure enough I do but just a little bigger. Best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery.