Yesterday was one for the books. Ran over 4 curbs yesterday and I never ran over any before. Backed into a dock and kept bouncing off it like a basketball. And to finish it, I almost hit a pedestrian that wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. This job is not easy. Never thought it was either, but one thing to remember is that those days will come and go.
Humbling... Almost is a matter how they happen a "miss" is a learning opportunity without consequences.
Definitely g town. It amazes me that people can have 1 million safe miles. Everyday it seems as if something else is thrown my way. It is a blessing to finish the day in one piece.
Definitely g town. It amazes me that people can have 1 million safe miles. Everyday it seems as if something else is thrown my way. It is a blessing to finish the day in one piece.
It all seems to happen when you first go solo. Happened to me, ChickieMonster wrote about her troubles. Everybody gets tons of trouble in their first few weeks.
Then things smooth out. How does that happen? You learn and adjust your actions. Then the things that gave you trouble - you learn how to handle them before they are trouble.
Then you can go for your million miles! Good luck, Devan!
Keep your head high Devan, today is over ,now just concentrate on doing your best tomorrow, let today go! Everybody is rooting for everybody else in here to do their best!
Yep, some days are rough. Maybe this will help. How many things went right? Lane changes, merges, coupling a trailer? I'll bet you did a lot more things correctly than incorrectly.
Appreciate the responses everyone. Trucking is one tough job, but well worth it. Just have to take it one day at a time.
My FM told me that if I made my load on time and didn't hit anything I did great that day. Lol.
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Yesterday was one for the books. Ran over 4 curbs yesterday and I never ran over any before. Backed into a dock and kept bouncing off it like a basketball. And to finish it, I almost hit a pedestrian that wasn't paying attention to his surroundings. This job is not easy. Never thought it was either, but one thing to remember is that those days will come and go.
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