Is it possible to drive around the credit union clockwise to set up for a straight back into the dock?
Is it possible to drive around the credit union clockwise to set up for a straight back into the dock?
This. Or turn in that space in the upper right portion.
I don't think there is space to set up for a straight back. Personally I would reroute myself to come in from the bottom and back in off the street. I would also try to do it at 2 or 3 am to minimize traffic while I'm backing
@JakeBreak wants to wait a while:
I would also try to do it at 2 or 3 am to minimize traffic while I'm backing.
Sears, and probably $Gen only receive during store hours. So you'd be sitting there for six or so hours.
@ChickieMonster suggests trespassing:
Is it possible to drive around the credit union clockwise to set up for a straight back into the dock?
Not good form to drive that big truck on other property uninvited. Also, pavement made for 2 ton automobiles may not carry a 30-40 ton behemoth.
Hint, listed on the original problem:
Ferguson Dr. is a through street, traffic goes both ways.
Sears dealer. The GPS sends you in from the top of the picture (Green line). The outdoor dock is under the "Dock" label, the tiny white square on the back of the building. Ferguson Dr. is a through street, traffic goes both ways.
How do you get the back end of the trailer up against that dock?
Errol, I missed your backing threads. Hope all is well!
I do them either when I get to an interesting pickup or drop location, or if someone sends me the info. I like doing them.
(Spam proof email I'm not afraid to post)
@ChickieMonster, on further thinking, I'll tell you I get a bit creative in those opening bits (C.M. suggests trespassing).
I'm sure your never pass a No Trespassing sign. But, if some parking area looks like it can handle large trucks (shopping centers, Walmarts, etc.) I'll go there if I need to. Small office buildings, churches, and such, I stay off that asphalt.
Hi Errol, I am just a want-to-be trucker. Right now I am just an IT guy but looking to hopefully get into my second career like so many of you guys on TT. I really enjoy reading all your topics and also how guys like you and Old School are so honest and helpful to all us guys looking to get into trucking and all the rookie drivers out there... Anyway, I will take a crack at this one. How about if took a left into the Sears parking lot so the trailer twas facing the credit union and you were setting yourself up for a 90 so you could have your truck set up to do another 90 into the dock? I don't know if I explained that right... but I can see it in my head.. Anyway, its fun to try and figure these things out. I have surprised myself on a few of them. Thanks Errol and the rest of you guys... keep safe.
Jim the new guy takes a shot:
How about if took a left into the Sears parking lot so the trailer twas facing the credit union and you were setting yourself up for a 90 so you could have your truck set up to do another 90 into the dock?
I don't see the first "90". But if you're suggesting two 90's you're working too much.
I usually key these things stew for 24 hours before I post my "answer". BTW the correct answer is always "get the trailer docked but don't crash into anything." There most than one way to solve many of these problems.
They again, Jim!
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Sears dealer. The GPS sends you in from the top of the picture (Green line). The outdoor dock is under the "Dock" label, the tiny white square on the back of the building. Ferguson Dr. is a through street, traffic goes both ways.
How do you get the back end of the trailer up against that dock?