SS Card?

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Jonathan T.'s Comment
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Guys, I board my bus tomorrow heading to Springfield! Quick question though, Prime didnt tell me to bring my social security card but do yall see any reason why I might need it? Or am I safe to leave it at home? Id just hate to get out there and find out I need it for something, you know? I will be bringing my passport rather than my birth certificate too.

Chris K.'s Comment
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I would bring it. Most companies want a copy for their records.

Jonathan T.'s Comment
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Ok, thanks Chris. I'll play it safe and bring it along with me then

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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You need your ss card for tax reasons.. they need to prove it's your number.

You NEED your birth cerificate with a raised seal from your state of birth. A passport alone will not be accepted. Nor will a hospital cerificate. .. it needs to be from the state with a raised seal or you will be sent home


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Jonathan T.'s Comment
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Rainy, thanks for your response! Is it possible they changed the rules about the birth certificate? When I was speaking with my recruiter he said I could bring my passport in place of my birth certificate and the letter inviting me to oriontation with a checklist of things to bring also says that I could use a passport in place of a birth certificate. Do you really think its necisarry to bring it along with me? I wanna bring everything I need but at the same time I dont wanna bring things that are not needed and risk loosing them on the road.


When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.

Trucker Kearsey 's Comment
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Idk. You need your birth certificate to get a counts as 4 points on the 6 point Real ID Act which MO was originally non compliant with.. but a passport is 4 points as well.. so maybe that is why they said that. In January the feds said MO and some other states were no longer receiving exemptions. I understand your concern ... but better to have it than not right? I saw way too many people asking family to FedEx them paperwork. .. and even shoes... one guy showed up with only flip flops. I went thru PSD in September so it might have changed.. I brought everything. .. tax records for 3 years.. pay stubs.. bc... marriage cert (have to prove name change for women)...I had my expired passport and the rule was as long as it wasn't passed 3 yrs it was good... but they still wanted my bc.... and even though my recruiter had it all b4 ingot there... he still asked for pay stubs and tax stuff... so I was glad I brought it


Prime Student Driver

Prime Inc has a CDL training program and the first phase is referred to as PSD. You'll get your permit and then 10,000 miles of on the road instruction.

The following is from Prime's website:

Prime’s PSD begins with you obtaining your CDL permit. Then you’ll go on the road with a certified CDL instructor for no less than 75 hours of one-on-one behind the wheel training. After training, you’ll return to Prime’s corporate headquarters in Springfield, Missouri, for final CDL state testing and your CDL license.

Obtain CDL Permit / 4 Days

  • Enter program, study and test for Missouri CDL permit.
  • Start driving/training at Prime Training Center in Springfield, Missouri.
  • Work toward 40,000 training dispatched miles (minimum) with food allowance while without CDL (Food allowance is paid back with future earnings).

On-the-Road Instruction / 10,000 Miles

  • Train with experienced certified CDL instructor for 3-4 weeks in a real world environment.
  • Get 75 hours of behind-the-wheel time with one-on-one student/instructor ratio.
  • Earn 10,000 miles toward total 40,000 miles needed.
Jonathan T.'s Comment
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Ok wow, nobody said anything to me about pay stubs! I dont understand why they would ask for those items when its not on their list of things to bring! I'll be sure to bring my birth certificate then but since im leaving tomorrow, its a little late for me to be rounding up pay stubs...


Hours Of Service

HOS refers to the logbook hours of service regulations.
Jonathan T.'s Comment
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I read the letter of items to bring, it says to bring information of work history in the last 5 years including names and phone numbers. I can provide names and phone numbers. My recruiter already verified my work history. I hope this isnt a deal breaker for me, not having tax documents and pay stubs.

Sam the Wrestler's Comment
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It's to help verify your employment history. If your recruiter hasn't asked for it, he/she might not need it.

Jonathan T.'s Comment
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Well guys, I sure hope not but I guess we'll find out once I arrive. I was hoping everything would go smoothly for me.

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