My misunderstanding. Thought you meant 4200
If i was promised a cool clean positive hard working type guy to run teams with then I'd be all on board but the risk of it being someone i may not even click with sorta bothers me and i rather stop the process before it even starts.
What if you tried team driving and the guy they paired you with you got along with like you guys were best friends. And he also liked to keep the truck squeaky clean. But even if you didn't get a good one and just went to the company and said I don't like the guy and they paired u up with someone else who was that guy I mentioned above. And after a few shots you went to the company and said I tried. Sorry but I can't do it.
You would have gain the benefit of whatever you could glean from each of the drivers while getting mor experience behind the wheel. Then if you went to a different company, everyone would be on the same page with he tried.
Who every first said the phase to me "you never know until you try" for some reason it stuck. Hell I've practically turn it into mantra in life.
Seems to me you are assuming something that you don't actually know how it would be. What would it hurt to try?
And you would be following the advice from everyone here who has been in this industry and has the benefit of a perspective you and I can't possibly have yet.
Operating While Intoxicated
I bet if you went to the company and told them the truth, I was thinking about not working here because I had a sh*tball of a person as a first experince, but I want to give it a try. They would focus on who they put you with. They already invested in you and don't want to lose you if they can help it. Ball is in their court.
I've never been a risk taker...maybe its my luck but it seems when i decide to step out on a limb it always bites me in the a$$...furthermore getting into the trucking industry was already a big scary risk I'm taking. I'm new to all of this and I'm thankful for this site because I've gotten to talk to road veterans and get alot of insite on what I'm up against. I think its safe to say I've made my mind up and I'm headed to Dallas as we speak to start my new career with Stevens Transport. I'm a nervous wreck right now and i don't know why lol. I really just have my fingers crossed and I'm hoping and praying for the best
If i was promised a cool clean positive hard working type guy to run teams with then I'd be all on board but the risk of it being someone i may not even click with sorta bothers me and i rather stop the process before it even starts.
What if you tried team driving and the guy they paired you with you got along with like you guys were best friends. And he also liked to keep the truck squeaky clean. But even if you didn't get a good one and just went to the company and said I don't like the guy and they paired u up with someone else who was that guy I mentioned above. And after a few shots you went to the company and said I tried. Sorry but I can't do it.
You would have gain the benefit of whatever you could glean from each of the drivers while getting mor experience behind the wheel. Then if you went to a different company, everyone would be on the same page with he tried.
Who every first said the phase to me "you never know until you try" for some reason it stuck. Hell I've practically turn it into mantra in life.
Seems to me you are assuming something that you don't actually know how it would be. What would it hurt to try?
And you would be following the advice from everyone here who has been in this industry and has the benefit of a perspective you and I can't possibly have yet.
Operating While Intoxicated
I understand. From what I can tell so far, this industry is one giant risk filled day everyday. You know you have folks here who will help you anyway they can, anytime they can. Try not to be nervous, think of it as an adventure and just take it as it comes.
Well what's done is done so do your best to relax and just focus on learning all you can. Take things slowly and carefully. When you're backing, get out and look a lot. Don't make assumptions and don't get in a hurry.
Best of luck!
Javon, I referred to this earlier, that sometines the OP figures we're flaming him or he just doesn't like the answers and just doesn't come back. The deal with Trucking Truth is just that: no judgement, just experience, advice and opinions.
I'm glad you got the cojones to come back and participate.
My misunderstanding. Thought you meant 4200
I did mean 4200$
I accept the "big dummy" award!
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Each, for all the planned miles zipcode to zipcode.