I use this but I don't remember how much I paid for it. I got it at Walgreens. I had the same problem when I first started and this resolved the issues.
Walgreens Coccyx Cushion, 18" x 16" x 3" 1.0ea
Anchorman, I am surprised that you would use such a WORD on this forum. I tried to use the word Pet**** on here to describe the air tank drain valve and it got bleeped out! Shame on you!
This is a petco*k. It's a small faucet or valve for letting out air or releasing compression or draining gases or liquids.
What's so nasty about that?
I use a Travel Pillow....Walmart Sells them...$7 I think. 20 x 14. They sell covers for it. $4 zip-up kind so pillow stays inside. Also its easily washable for when it gets a little "funky"....lol
It fits perfect across back part of seat but falls a little short with the front part but I like it that way. I tried the "pardon my language" Coccyx Cushion but I didnt like how it felt under my lower thigh area. I like it alot. Very comfortable for me. The only thing is that it never really stays put when I'm exiting and entering the truck most times..... but I'm gonna figure out a way to keep in place soon. I think I might cut a small hole in sides of cover and run a bungie or something through the back under pillow and around seat....don't really want to do that to the pillow cover because the "cut" may become a huge rip after awhile if I'm not careful when I sit....I don't know but I'll "macgyver" it somehow....
Apparently,Brett's"bad word filter" thinks it is nasty because it has the word co*k in it. I typed the word as it is spelled and it posts as pet****. Apparently COCCYX dodges the filter. I was just having a bit of fun with Anchorman.
Apparently,Brett's"bad word filter" thinks it is nasty because it has the word co*k in it.
Hmm in that case I don't think we will be able to talk about shuttleco*ks either...
Apparently,Brett's"bad word filter" thinks it is nasty because it has the word co*k in it.
Hmm in that case I don't think we will be able to talk about shuttleco*ks either...
Ok wow. I was gonna comment on trademark infringement but I got completely sidetracked cuz I was laughing too hard!
I sure hope our paths cross someday Chickie. I love reading your posts, I almost feel like I know you already!
Stay safe out there!
John the Tractor Man
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Spent the last 20+ years in the construction business. Lots of time on my feet, knees, ladders etc. Not a lot of time sitting. My butt gets sore after about 3-4 hrs of driving. What do you use on the seat? Those bead thingies?(I stole the word "thingies" from Chickie!). memory foam? regular bed pillow? What works for you?
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