Nomad Vs Rental House Living

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Alexander D.'s Comment
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Should I renew my lease and keep a house to live, in as a green horn pursuing my trucking endeavors or should I not have any house to live in at all and then what.........I have to renew my Lease in two weeks but could I save money just being on the road without a house and no possessions? Please answer honestly about having your own pad to crash at or not having one. Thanks!! House to live for down time or flying by the seat of my pants motels, who knows...? Please respond honestly and from your own experience if possible.

Old School's Comment
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Alexander, I have a wife and family so I keep a house.

If you have no strings tying you down you can live the life of a Nomad. You can actually take home time wherever you want to. I sometimes will stay in a nice hotel down on the coasts of Florida - in fact I did that last month. I was bumping up against my seventy hour clock and I was in a nice place, so I just told my dispatcher , "Hey, I'd like to take a little break while I'm down here on the coast. Don't set me up with a load just now, I'll call you in a few days when I'm ready to roll." Once you've established yourself as a dependable driver who is making your dispatcher look really good to management they will just about do whatever you ask as long as it is within reason.

Some folks like to spend the weekend in Vegas, others like different sorts of places. As an over the road driver you will be exposed to all kinds of interesting places. I take notes of places that I go that I might like to stay a few days at and the next time I'm headed there I will put in a request to take a couple of days off while I'm there.

I do the Nomad thing, and I keep a roof over my wife. Of course, I go see her as often as I can also.

Over The Road:

Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.


Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager

The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company. A dispatcher can play many roles, depending on the company's structure. Dispatchers may assign freight, file requests for home time, relay messages between the driver and management, inform customer service of any delays, change appointment times, and report information to the load planners.
Alexander D.'s Comment
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That actually sounds pretty good

Pianoman's Comment
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Personally, I'd love to get rid of my apartment but my wife lives there too, so I obviously can't do that lol. I think it makes sense because of all the money you can save each month. Sure, it's nice to have your own place to come home to every few weeks but unless you're married or live with your SO, I don't think it's worth it. Just a quarter of the money I spend on rent each month could easily go toward making my life on the road more enjoyable.

Tractor Man's Comment
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I'm single,no wife/kids at home. Moved my stuff to storage. My Mom,Sister,and Son live in my hometown. Easy for me to go home and have a place to stay. At 56 I'm real late on retirement savings. Spent all of my potential retirement money on 2 ex wives and child support!......yeah... I'm not real good at the marriage thing.


Gladhand's Comment
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I am sort of doing the nomad thing. I would like to live in some places but if I am not there enough, why bother? With uber and air bnb staying in different cities can be affordable. This morning I ubered around KC and enjoyed what I saw, also planning on taking some time in San Diego. I also am a minimalist of sorts so all that I own fits in the truck and I still have plenty of room. It honestly makes better sense to live in the truck especially for me since I have no responsibilities besides a cell phone and debt.

Alexander D.'s Comment
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You all make a very interesting case for the Nomadic Life - it seems like it's a matter of being creative with uber and airbnb or even a nice hotel by the beach for a vacation. I forgot about airbnb - that is affordable and convenient to locate on a cell phone. I got a mom and sister/family at a spread in Arizona but I don't think I'd want to stay there. I could might use their address for technical reasons. I'm still trying to get Federal funding for school and I am a green horn but that don't mean I can't be Big Rig Dreaming. I can send my two dogs to live in Arizona as my mom has OK'd that and I can see letting go of this rental and all or most of my possessions - most are replaceable and watching TV and other entertainment can probably be done right in the Truck. Ok ,so it's fun to Dream but I got study first - I'm afraid I'm going to screw this whole thing up and be left with nothing but a sack in my hands. HAHAHA

Gladhand's Comment
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You all make a very interesting case for the Nomadic Life - it seems like it's a matter of being creative with uber and airbnb or even a nice hotel by the beach for a vacation. I forgot about airbnb - that is affordable and convenient to locate on a cell phone. I got a mom and sister/family at a spread in Arizona but I don't think I'd want to stay there. I could might use their address for technical reasons. I'm still trying to get Federal funding for school and I am a green horn but that don't mean I can't be Big Rig Dreaming. I can send my two dogs to live in Arizona as my mom has OK'd that and I can see letting go of this rental and all or most of my possessions - most are replaceable and watching TV and other entertainment can probably be done right in the Truck. Ok ,so it's fun to Dream but I got study first - I'm afraid I'm going to screw this whole thing up and be left with nothing but a sack in my hands. HAHAHA

It is good to dream, I actually am doing this as a means to an end. I enjoy it thoroughly and it may end up becoming my life, but I have some other things I want to do as well. After a while you might realize that the truck is all you may need. Really all i need is some good food and internet and I am content.

Big Scott's Comment
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I think if one is single and does the nomad thing. Watch what you spend. Stay out and/or get out of debt. Save as much as you can. See what happens when your only bill is a cell phone and you save most of your income. Money will build. I believe a single person in there 20's could drive OTR for a few years saving like crazy. Learning to invest and pile up money.


Over The Road

OTR driving normally means you'll be hauling freight to various customers throughout your company's hauling region. It often entails being gone from home for two to three weeks at a time.

Tractor Man's Comment
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As Dave Ramsey would say........"Live like nobody else, so you can Live like nobody else." Think about it!


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