THANKS STAR you r hilarious!!! I completely know what you are saying we really already spend all of our time together now the way it is and often have slept in a twin size bed. We really do hate being without each other but we both have our own hobbies we jump into if we get annoyed with one other. One of the reasons we are wanting to do this is because I am 32 and my hubby is 33 and we cant start a family right now. So we decided untill the Good Lord decides we can, we want to make some memories to tell our family and on top of that my hubby has never traveled at all so I really want to share those special moments with him when he sees the mountains and such for the first time. There was one thing I really wanted to ask you. We are going to start off with Swift for our first yr at least, is there any company you would recommend for spouse teams, espeacially the ones who want to see the sights and build up a nest egg???
After your first year, you will become a very sought after commodity. Companies LOVE solid teams, and married teams are the best. So when you start looking ,you do the same as you did for training. Decide WHAT you want to a rule, flatbedding pays the best, but its also the worst for teams. Flatbedding is a "bankers" seldom get to unload on the seekend, so it really messes up team driving. But the money is great !! Reefer freight is the usual fare for teams. dry van , the same. But if you want to get into some really good money..apply with the companies that run JIT (just in time) freight. Theres a company that hauls jet engines..ones that are fixed, and ones that need fixed. And I can't remember the name of the danged company...Someone will think of anyway, their pay is way off the chart. BUT you team, and you run hard, cuz they need those jet engines...But the loads are easy to tie down and tarp, and the pay is worth the bother. All you would ever be going is to airports...THey pluck their engines off, and your ready to roll..So thats one that would be worth doing the research on...cuz its ALL solo trucks..
A refrigerated trailer.
OMG I about died reading this post.
It reminds me of a couple friends who used to drive team years ago. Their relationship barely survived it, and I'm pretty sure saving their marriage was one of the main reasons they stopped driving. Out of all the stories they told about their squabbles on the road, the one that sticks with me the most is the time they were barreling through a work zone in Portland at 65 MPH, but nobody was actually driving the truck, because its two occupants were busy engaging in a fistfight.
Thank god they are not on the road any more. Would hate to think if a construction vehicle would have pulled in front of them or all traffic came to a stop.
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Team driving with your spouse is a rare opportunity to really see if you are compatible, or just in lust. When you are in a closet with someone 24/7, all the emotional walls come done. They see you at your best, and at your worst. When I said, that if a marriage can survive team driving, it can survive anything...I wasn't joking
. Its great for about the first month,,,then the gloves come off. There will be days you don't wanna look at yourself, let alone someone else. And having someone hog all the bed at home, when its a queen size, doesn't even compare to having someone hog the bed when its a little larger than a twin. You know those times when you just wanna lay on your tummy and sssppprrreeeaaadd out ?? That doesn't happen in a truck, unless your spouse is diving, or enjoys sleeping on the floor. You find out that the one who sleeps next to the wall becomes the one who feels like a fishstick, in a box of 20. And you know those annoying things that your spouse does at home that you can just shake your head and walk away from ?? Ain't happenin' in a truck. I know there were days that TSB would have slapped my mother for birthing me. I'm a redhead, and have a horrid temper. He had spent over 20 years driving solo, when he started teaming with me...The man should be sainted, when he dies...He earned it. We showered at the same time...kinda. I like louie lobster showers...TSB likes cooler water. So while he shaved, I showered. I learned that TSB eats faster than I do....I like to take my time...he wolfs his meal, and is ready to go. I like to get out and walk as often as I can. TSB would rather read a book. I don't sleep more than 4 hours at a time. TSB can sleep ANY time. I'm a people watcher, so truckstops were my soap operas. The things you see when your just sittin' there !! One of the things that we did learn, was when either of us really needed some alone time, I usually got off the truck and visited for a week or so. It helped me decompress, and helped TSB learn to miss me again
. And that is a very important thing ot learn, or teaming can cost you your marriage. I've left TSB at home and taken the truck on a run, and I enjoyed it. It makes you appreciate what the other half gets to do while your at home watching tv (or in my case, fishing). You will learn to agree to disagree..and leave it at that. All in all, it will make you one of two things....a better person, or a criminal trying to outrun a murder charge.
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