My experienced codriver says by goung i 40 and coming up through i25 out of Albuquerque but it will add miles. He says I70 isn't that bad and to just go that way. Beautiful scenery.
THANKS Sue!! And please thank your experienced co driver.
That was the other route we were considering; there is one mtn we know of at Raton going that way...but the extra 170 miles is too many if there's a faster route. This load is supposed to be in IL by 07:00 and we haven't even left CA yet. Not happening, we sold our magic carpet to the company store, but we will do everything we can to get it there ASAP.
The Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) is a person who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol program regulation and makes recommendations concerning education, treatment, follow-up testing, and aftercare.
Hey, I missed that part...I-70 isn't that bad? Ha! It took us 7 hours to go about 190 miles. That's not just bad inn my books, but absolutely terrible! That's why we're looking for an alternate route. Gotta agree the scenery is stunning though.
Bad is a very relative term. We run in Pennsylvania often and have snails passing us in certain areas, flipping us off saying "get out of my way" as we climb 8 and 9% grades on 2 lane roads at a whopping 26 mph. Normally our truck pulls well but we've been running out there with 45, 000 lb loads, so we certainly feel your pain. Just take it easy and try not to work the truck too hard and enjoy the ride.
What I tell my DM is I will do my best to get it there on time and if there are any delays, I'll let you know immediately. They know you left late.. all they have to do is have your customer service people keep the consignee informed and reschedule your appointment.
The customer the freight is being delivered to. Also referred to as "the receiver". The shipper is the customer that is shipping the goods, the consignee is the customer receiving the goods.
I'm understanding here that we shouldn't care when the load gets there, just follow their routing, no matter that it's probably the slowest route cuz hey, it's the fewest miles.
Sorry, it's been a very frustrating 24 hours...especially the last 11. Not trying to be difficult, it simply baffles me that we wouldn't try to be as efficient as possible. I'm also not the "shut up and do as your told type," if there's a better way to do something.
Going to sleep now...gotta drive in 3 hours. Be safe..
Not only is it the fewest miles, it's unfortunately the fastest route.
You should always care when your load delivers and I'll never say anything contrary to that. What I will say is you left CA very late, for whatever reason. Hopefully you've kept your DM/FM in the loop and informed, and provided you have, they should understand you'll be about 2 days late.
Not sure why it took 7 hrs to go 190 miles, but that's not how long it usually takes me on I70 even with a heavy load. I70 is your best bet.
Me either, Paul. I do know at higher elevations a power unit (tractor) will lose about 10% of its power, but that will recover on the downgrades.
Me either, Paul. I do know at higher elevations a power unit (tractor) will lose about 10% of its power, but that will recover on the downgrades.
Interesting! I didn't know that--thanks Sue! Must have been traffic. 70 can get a little backed up closer to Denver sometimes, but it's not bad at all at night. That's literally my favorite drive in the country though...and I live in Colorado haha. Even if it took a little longer I'd take it because the scenery is priceless.
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How steep are the grades on I-15 in Utah from I-76 to I-80? We are trying to avoid I-70 from I-15 to I-76 because we're heavy and that stretch is all grades and serpentine. We're trying not to add too many miles or extra time, as this load is way behind schedule because of the previous trip's b.s.. Is anyone familiar with that stretch of I-15N??