As for cb a cobra 25 or 29 would sufficient just be sure to set the swr's and get it peak and tuned,the rand mcnally GPS is a good one and trusted by most drivers I use the 510 myself.
Thanks Rebel. Please excuse my ignorance, but what does "just be sure to set the swr's and get it peak and tuned" mean?
I know nothing!!!!
What Rebel means is when you get your CB, have it "tuned up" at a cb shop. When you put your radio in, if your confused, just wait and have a CB shop put it in. Then you won't accidently key the mic, and blow the finals in your radio... CB radios need 9 foot of coaxial cable to the antenna. If your truck has 2 antenna, you only hook up to one. you have to make sure your antenna is grounded, also. OR...when you key the mic, it will blow your finals. To get the best reception, you will need to put an SWR meter on your radio and set it.So now you see why, if your not familiar with CB radios, you should have someone who knows put it in, check it out, and tune it up !!! Good Luck....and WELCOME to Trucking Truth !!!
Thanks much Starcar. Are CB shops located near truck stops? Where is a good place to buy the CB? Radio Shack?
Yeah, alot of truck stops have them. But some are better than others. And you can find that out when your with your trainer. Then when you get your own truck, just hunt up a good one. And it may not be a "shop". Theres a few good radio guys who run around the truck stops in vans..We had our radio tweeked and peeked by one of them in Eloy AZ...Man, could that radio reach out and touch someone when he got done !!
Thanks Starcar!!!!!
I use the Rand McNally 720 and am happy with the large screen size and the truck specific options. As others will say, don't blindly follow it. I cross check it with the atlas, write down my route and look for signs that it didn't "see". I want written back up in case it chooses the "wrong" time to get stupid or turn off.
When a violation by either a driver or company is confirmed, an out-of-service order removes either the driver or the vehicle from the roadway until the violation is corrected.
Thanks Larry E. What about internet/wifi?
On the GPS, my trainer uses a Rand Mcnalley, I believe the 510. I am impressed with it so far, though I have noticed some minor glitches. (Once it warned me of a steep grade ahead, and there was one. On an exit ramp, not on the road. ). But the RMs are pretty expensive too. I see some models that cost less. Anyone know anything about them?
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Hello all, I need direction as to what is the best stuff for a newbie, solo driver? I can't find much here or on other blogs about CB Radios? Do the trucks newbies driver have them? I have read a ton on Truckers GPS, I am leaning towards the Rand McNally model 710 or 720. Anyone have real, firsthand experience with these or others that they like? Same goes for internet/wifi. I have an ATT iPhone. Is it best to make it into a mobile hotspot to broadcast wifi to my computer and ipad? Any thoughts, suggetions, comments on these subjects is very much appreciated. Any OTHER electronic stuff I should look at, know about, etc? Thanks.