Glad you finally made it to my state, Redgator! As to cell phone service....two words .. Verizon, baby.
I hope you enjoyed Montana....just don't enjoy it too much. We're full.
Well dang if I would have known I was in billings a whole Sunday bored off my tail. Yall coulda cooked a girl some Welcome food:) Cause Jens Chinese buffet was lacking!
Glad you finally made it to my state, Redgator! As to cell phone service....two words .. Verizon, baby.
I hope you enjoyed Montana....just don't enjoy it too much. We're full.
Well dang if I would have known I was in billings a whole Sunday bored off my tail. Yall coulda cooked a girl some Welcome food:) Cause Jens Chinese buffet was lacking!
Jens Chinese buffet in Billings? The one right across the street from the pilot/flying J?
Glad you finally made it to my state, Redgator! As to cell phone service....two words .. Verizon, baby.
I hope you enjoyed Montana....just don't enjoy it too much. We're full.
Well dang if I would have known I was in billings a whole Sunday bored off my tail. Yall coulda cooked a girl some Welcome food:) Cause Jens Chinese buffet was lacking!
Jens Chinese buffet in Billings? The one right across the street from the pilot/flying J?
YES THAT ONE. Its not aweful but just not great either. Kinda tastes generic.
Glad you finally made it to my state, Redgator! As to cell phone service....two words .. Verizon, baby.
I hope you enjoyed Montana....just don't enjoy it too much. We're full.
Well dang if I would have known I was in billings a whole Sunday bored off my tail. Yall coulda cooked a girl some Welcome food:) Cause Jens Chinese buffet was lacking!
Jens Chinese buffet in Billings? The one right across the street from the pilot/flying J?
YES THAT ONE. Its not aweful but just not great either. Kinda tastes generic.
Ah yes! I took my wife out for a date there back when she was driving with me. Its not too bad of a place and I agree that it does taste generic. But I feel like they had a decent variety and it sure beat anything else in the area. My wife is a huge chinese food fan so I kinda "had to" take her there haha. But I would go again just because its a nice break from all the other junk thats always in front of us.
Well Tracy....I just have to reply to your "we're full" status on Montana....
If anyone gets the urge to move to Montana....ya better take your money with ya, cuz there's none there to be made, and you can't survive eating the scenery.
Thought I would share my road trips with you. CRST has already had me all over the place. California to Washington to New York to Minnesota to Wyoming to Colorado to Texas and now going back to Pennsylvania. Would have had more miles but our truck needed repairs. Hopefully we will run into each other sometime.
Thought I would share my road trips with you. CRST has already had me all over the place. California to Washington to New York to Minnesota to Wyoming to Colorado to Texas and now going back to Pennsylvania. Would have had more miles but our truck needed repairs. Hopefully we will run into each other sometime.
Now Im jealous cause ive NEVER been to California. Maybe I should reconsider switching lol
Redgator.....You better get a run out west to WA...cuz I can only fight off so many lady drivers, when it comes to this pink fleece blanket...I'm old, ya know....
Congratulations Redgator! It is always cool following you're posts. Montana is a beautiful state aint it? Big as all get out, densely populated in one area, then not a soul for 50 miles! You can literally go from city to boondocks within a 20 mile radius in that state. I spent a LOT of time in Montana, it's where my truck broke down (again) just outside of Billings Montana. Cost me a 2300 mile load, I was none too pleased about that. Spent four days in my truck until it got repaired (had to drive to a random tractor dealer to get parts) and froze my arse off in the middle of August! So I had good times and bad times in that state. I do remember I stopped at a burrito truck at one of the truck stops...delicous!
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Glad you finally made it to my state, Redgator! As to cell phone service....two words .. Verizon, baby.
I hope you enjoyed Montana....just don't enjoy it too much. We're full.